Meta restores Chromecast casting after user outcry and even a public petition

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(XR Navigation Network January 14, 2024)MetaChromecast support begins in 2020, allowing users to cast VR images directly to devices that support the feature, such as TVs. But about two weeks ago, theQuest开始逐步移除Chromecast功能。相关页面写道:“Meta Quest不完全支持Chromecast。”

However, this sparked discontent in the community, and there was even a public petition asking Meta to reverse the decision. Eventually, after two weeks of widespread trolling. the Meta announced its action. According toRedditposted that this cast option has returned in a recent software update. Another user reported that the official community forum Meta Chat has mentioned the return of the Chromecast feature. After testing.Quest 2Users of the Quest 3 headset have reported that this feature has been restored.

Meta restores Chromecast casting after user outcry and even a public petition</trp-post-container

Meta had canceled the popular Chromecast cast feature in December 2023 citing stability and performance issues. But a large number of users were unhappy with the change and sparked an outcry, with some even taking to the public online petition sitechange orgA petition was launched.

Among other things, the petition posting demands that Meta be required to pay $25 in damages to users if it is unwilling to reinstate it because "such a demand is not only reasonable, but also essential to maintaining consumer trust and upholding ethical business practices." The petition posting in question lists three main reasons:

  • First, Meta explicitly markets the Quest 3 with the available casting feature. This feature allows users to share immersive VR experiences with friends and family, thus increasing the overall value of the product. Consumers were promised this capability, making it a key part of their purchasing decision.

  • Secondly, the widespread use of screen casting is cited as the main reason why a large number of consumers chose the Quest 3 or Quest 2. Users were free to show off their VR adventures, collaborate, or just share entertainment with others. Its removal greatly reduces the usefulness of the device, leaving many early adopters feeling the short end of the stick.

  • Third, Meta's decision to remove this feature appears to be motivated by a questionable motive: to force consumers to use Meta'sFacebook Live feature or Meta-controlled apps. This monopolistic practice not only limits user choice, but also raises concerns about data privacy and surveillance. Customers should not be forced to use specific services to enjoy the features they were promised when they purchased their devices.

After about two weeks of fermentation, Meta has finally made its move. According toRedditposted that this casting option has returned in a recent software update. Another user reported that the official community forum Meta Chat has mentioned the return of the Chromecast feature, with Meta's community manager stating, "We've restored screen casting from the Quet headset to Chromecast." .

After testing, users of both the Quest 2 and Quest 3 headsets have reported that this feature has been restored.

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