Apple Visual Pro Second Impression: Digital Crown Tunes Your Reality

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Apple's Visual Pro Second Impression: the Digital Crown Tunes Into Your Reality</trp-post-container

Turn Apple VisionProThe digital knobs are like adjustments to your reality.

拥有Apple Watch的用户对数字旋钮很熟悉。早期的iPhone用户可能还记得按下这个独特按钮时那令人满意的物理点击感。任何还记得iPod的人应该还能回忆起其旋转滚轮上的圆形动作。在Apple Vision Pro上,这是一个位于顶部的旋钮,能够迅速使你沉浸在虚拟现实的世界中,给人一种魔法般的感觉。

Apple's see-through magic may explain why the entire industry was undergoing such a major shift before the $3,500 space computer hit the market.

Let's review:

  • PICOWhile planning to build an Apple-like piece, firing most of the work being done on building a piece similar to theQuestPersonnel with similar equipment.
  • Saudi Arabia-owned Magic Leap has received more than $5 million in additional funding from the country's "sovereign" investment agency to continue developing its transparent optical augmented reality technology.
  • Microsoft has officially terminated its PC VR platform.
  • MetaMeta is going all out on the Quest 3, AI smart glasses helper, and the upcoming rumored Quest 3 Lite to differentiate itself from Apple's developments.
  • 三星(与谷歌)和索尼选择了高通的XR2+ Gen 2作为即将推出的头盔的引擎,此前有报道称在看到Vision Pro发布后,三星重新计划了设计。
  • Valve is bringing Steam Link to the Quest store, while still seemingly working secretly behind the scenes on a new headset of its own.

All of this happened before there was even a customer to walk into an Apple Store and turn that knob to see how it changes the reality around you.

After my initial demonstration, I wrote that I believe it is unlikely that many people turning that knob will realize that the physical world they are seeing is actually a reconstruction on an opaque screen. That's because research institutions like Stanford University are actively studying the differences between what the naked eye sees with the bare eye and what it sees through these reconstructions.

On Apple Vision Pro pre-order night, I switched completely from a real-world perspective view to a fully synthesized environment. With each degree of rotation, the physical walls of Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood faded, then the ground beneath my feet. Eventually, Vision Pro left only my stomach and arms as remnants of physical reality. A few more degrees of rotation and my stomach disappears. A few more degrees of rotation and my arms disappear too. But that would be too much, so I turned back to just my arms and hands floating in a fully immersive environment. For the rest of the presentation, I was drawn into an unusually bright, fully immersive environment, as if I were in a virtual conference room, with my arms waving in front of me, thin white outlines reminding me that they were actually physical white walls in the background.

I suspect the above paragraph may make some longtime readers nervous about their money clips. But before you start depleting your marriage or debt, here are some things to keep in mind.

The Apple rep told me on my second demo that I needed to stay on the path given. I tried to launch Super Fruit Ninja from the menu to see what the Apple version of the new Beat Saber looked like, but it didn't launch for me.

Apple's Persona technology for virtual face-to-face spatial calls was in beta at launch, and the company has yet to publicly demonstrate the scanning process that depicts the most obvious difference between Personas or Vision Pros - the external vision display.

Vision is presented through a see-through display which appears to have some depth effect. This was very interesting, and my demo showed it with an employee wearing a Vision Pro helmet showing a representation of his eyes. I broke the illusion of depth in part of the display by crouching down to view it from a very different vertical angle.

Vision and Personas are probably among Apple's most interesting but least mature technologies. It wouldn't be surprising if these features were included to push developers forward and provide a foundation for the next generation of more comfortable, lower-cost, higher-quality versions. Before we can judge how much progress Apple has made on this front, we'll need to go through scans and extensive real-time communications with Personas. some researcher at Meta, Google, or Amazon is likely waiting for those accurate benchmarks.

For my second demo, I used only the Dual Loop Band. overall comfort improved the second time around compared to the first, though there was some negligible light leakage at the base of the helmet. In both demos, Apple didn't provide anything to test fast movements, and there wasn't enough time spent wearing the helmet to make more substantial comments about the long-term comfort of the two bands Apple included. Apple confirmed that the top band of the Dual Loop Band is not compatible with the Solo Knit Band.

In my first demo, I was impressed with Apple's see-through feature, writing that it called into question the future of transparent optical augmented reality. In my second demo, while I also noted some limitations of Apple's see-through feature, I still believe that the see-through on the Apple Vision Pro is superior to the Meta Quest 3. The quality of the see-through on the Apple Vision Pro, and the simplicity with which it can be customized to one's liking, is better than the Meta Quest 3.

It's understandable, of course, since the Apple Vision Pro's Reality Distortion Field starts at $3,500, while the Quest 3 is only $500. But while Meta anchors itself to standalone running VR games, Apple is basing its entire VR and AR strategy on a complete understanding of the higher-quality core vision of real environments, which you can minimize or maximize exactly to your liking - just by turning that knob.

Spatial video, photos and AirDrop

My favorite moment in the second carefully guided demo of the Apple Vision Pro was using two-handed gestures to zoom in on a high-resolution photo and then quickly swiping to the next photo. This maneuver felt very natural. When I'm able to use Vision Pro with my own photo and video libraries, I expect to be able to effortlessly navigate through thousands of images and videos.

Apple's goal was to convey more emotional depth through spatial videos shot on the Vision Pro or iPhone 15 Pro. From what I've seen of the example videos provided, they succeeded. I wanted to transfer my own spatial video via AirDrop to the helmet for viewing, but Apple denied my request.

Pre-orders and reviews

This is not a recommendation of any kind for our readers. It's very disappointing that we can't provide our readers with more useful information as we begin our pre-order night for computers that cost more than some cars in their entirety.

However, we highly recommend that all readers located in the US try to schedule a demo of Apple Vision Pro to experience it at their local Apple Store starting February 2nd.


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