HoloLens Solution Provider GigXR Awarded U.S. Marine Corps XR Medical Training Contract

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(XR Navigation Network January 24, 2024) specializing in building software engineering technology solutions for the U.S. militaryBESPIN日前宣布与美国海军陆战队下属的海军陆战队预备役司令部达成合作,双方将通过沉浸式模拟医疗培训来革新战术战斗伤亡护理TCCC的培训方式,从而帮助相关人员掌握和提升相关技能。

Among other things, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Command hopes to capitalize on a program centered primarily around theMicrosoftHoloLens构建解决方案的GigXR的全息增强现实技术,并将其与伤亡和患者护理场景、当前的医疗培训设备、以及医疗设备本身或患者的全息版本集成在一起。

HoloLens Solution Provider GigXR Awarded U.S. Marine Corps XR Medical Training Contract

It was stated that BESPIN will develop immersive simulation applications, simulation training methodologies, simulation assistance guides, and simulation training scenarios as required by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Command. Additionally, BESPIN will provide process documentation for packing, shipping, and receiving inventory, as well as inspecting and maintaining equipment according to the required configuration, and quality control checklists to confirm proper integration and installation.

The team will also work with GigXR, which builds its solutions primarily around Microsoft HoloLens, to integrate casualty and patient care scenarios, current medical training devices, and holographic versions of the medical device itself or the patient, thus helping to revolutionize the way Tactical Combat Casualty Care TCCCs are trained through the power of immersive XR.

Of the partnership, Tyler Hough, BESPIN's Chief Operating Officer, said, "The mission to provide intensive training for Tactical Casualty Combat Care is exciting because Tactical Casualty Combat Care is a mission-critical skill that has a direct impact on saving the lives of service members in our units."

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