Meta has reportedly suspended plans to bring "Quest 3 Lite" to China and Tencent.

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Meta据报道暂停了与腾讯合作将更便宜的Quest Version 3 is planned to be introduced to China.

为了在中国销售各种产品,外国公司必须与中国公司合作或设立本地子公司。2021年初,中国新闻机构36Kr首次报道了Meta和腾讯合作在中国销售Quest头戴设备的计划,尽管该报道声称该产品计划是Quest 2。《华尔街日报》在去年11月的报道中指出,这段被形容为“临时”的合作关系将在中国推出更便宜的Quest 3版本,据报道称其为Quest 3 Lite。

According to the reported structure of the partnership, Tencent will sell and support the Quest headset in China, while the two companies will work together on localizing and translating Quest Store content. meta will receive the majority of revenue from the device, while Tencent will receive the majority of revenue from the content. This is not a novel arrangement for Tencent. Since 2019, Tencent has been in Chinamarketon sales and support for the Nintendo Switch.

But a new report this month claims that Meta has suspended the partnership due to unresolved details. The report comes from Sina Finance, citing another Chinese news organization, VRTUOLUO.

If the suspension of this partnership is real, it could be good news for ByteHop, as the company ownsPICO。中国是PICOChina is PICO's home turf. China is PICO's home turf, and Quest 3 Lite will give PICO 4 stiff competition and put the company in a tough spot as its sales are reportedly "well below ByteDance's expectations."


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