Archery game Arrows of Ash hits PICO Store for $34.90

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(XR Navigation Network January 26, 2024Do you like quirky western adventures? Like archery skills like an agile elf? A few days ago, from Rusty Pipes Games的《灰烬之箭(Ashen Arrows)》已经正式登陆PICO Store for RMB 34.9.

Archery game Arrow of Ashes hits PICO Store for $34.90</trp-post-container

In times of crisis, even the gods may need the help of mortals. As an archer, you'll need to challenge more than just bandits, fierce warriors, or the fearsome mythical creatures of dragons. Fight your way through the mythical kingdoms of the North to complete the legend and uncover the secrets of the Arrow of Ash.

Arrows of Ash is a first-person VR action-adventure game that combines episodic puzzle solving, archery tower defense, and Roguelike gameplay. According to the description, the main gameplay of this title includes:

  • 传奇模式:体验北欧众神的曲折故事,在氛围独特、背景宏大的传奇模式中解开一个个巧妙的谜题,跟随众神的足迹,了解伟大神话背后的暗流涌动!堡垒模式:背靠基地,只身守卫家园!玩家将使用各种随机技能、箭矢和角色特性,构建不同的策略,借此应对不同地图中涌来的各类敌人,每局游戏都有新体验!

  • Co-op Mode: Gather the heroes and form your team! The exclusive teamwork element of the group can make the gameplay more exciting and experience a different kind of gameplay with your friends. Allows up to three players to experience together (Fortress Tower Defense mode only).

  • Rich content: 75 types of monsters, 87 skills! Choose different skills to create your own game style! Barricades, traps, fireballs, lightning, you can flexibly combine your bow and arrow skills according to your strategy as a way to shoot an arrow when facing dragons, elves, dwarves, and even helicopters!

It's worth mentioning that Arrow of Ashes offers Chinese fans a Chinese New Year Experience Edition. Among other things, the Experience Edition contains Legendary Mode Prologue + Chapter 1, the first 20 waves of Bastion Mode and other exciting content. In addition, the Experience Edition can exclusively enjoy the New Year's big rebate activities, followed by free upgrades to the full version and updates to the complete map content.

《灰烬之箭(Ashen Arrows)》目前已经正式登陆PICO Store for RMB 34.9.

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