TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

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(XR Navigation Network January 31, 2024)appleVisionPro的首批媒体评测已经解禁,下面我们整理了The Verge的尼莱·帕特尔(Nilay Patel)的上手体验:

苹果备受期待的新款Vision Pro正面临着巨大的压力。苹果声称,起价3499美元的Vision Pro是“空间计算”时代的开始。这家公司的广告丝毫没有对冲这种压力:人们一直在穿戴Vision Pro。工作,洗衣服,和孩子一起玩……其雄心非常远大:将应用和信息叠加在现实世界,亦即增强现实。

苹果不得不宣称Vision Pro是新时代的开端,因为厂商制造头戴式计算机已经有十多年时间。我在2013年试用了第一款Oculus Rift的开发原型,而这篇评测的编辑、The Verge的阿迪·罗伯逊(Adi Robertson)基本尝试过自那以后发布的每一款头显。这种发展都意味着市面存在相当不错的产品:最初的Oculus演变成了MetaofQuest产品线,而这家公司推出了售价500美元,且拥有大量游戏和AR功能的Quest 3。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

Starting with Tim Cook, Apple has largely insisted that augmented reality will be more valuable than virtual reality. Apple has long been moving in the direction of augmented reality: developers can use augmented reality tools in iOS, and high-end iPhones and iPads have been equipped with LIDAR depth scanners for several years now.

Vision Pro is Apple's first attempt to bring all the relevant concepts together and create a space computer.Vision Pro aims to be a complete device that can sit alongside the Mac and iPad in Apple's ecosystem of devices and support you in actually getting work done. You can use Excel, Webex, and Slack in the Vision Pro, and you can watch movies and TV in a giant virtual 4K HDR display. Plus, you can mirror your Mac's display and see a giant display floating in virtual space just by using Vision Pro.

That sounds pretty amazing, and sometimes it is. But the Vision Pro also represents a series of really significant tradeoffs, and ones that are impossible to ignore. One of those tradeoffs is pretty obvious: using a range of technologies in the headset means very large weights are weighing down your face, so Apple opted to use an external battery pack connected via a data cable. But it's accompanied by other, more philosophical tradeoffs.

I've been using this device for the past few days, and I keep asking a series of questions about whether or not said tradeoff is worth it.

  • Does the Vision Pro really work so well that I'm willing to mess up my hair every time I wear it?
  • Does it really work so well that I want to put it in a giant organizer and carry it around?
  • Does it really work so well that I want to perceive the world around me through the screen instead of my own eyes?

Basically, I've been asking myself if I'd prefer to use it in the house or outside. As much fun as the Vision Pro is, it has a long way to go before it can really get out there.

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience


Apple doesn't want anyone to think of the Vision Pro as a VR headset, but it is, even though this VR headset almost lets you pretend it's not a VR headset.

Once on your head, the Vision Pro will completely block your view, and then it will show you 3D video of the world around you through the front-facing camera, as if you could see your surroundings through the device. But it also takes you into virtual reality and offers varying degrees of immersion.

The Vision Pro is stunning compared to other VR headsets, which are largely made of plastic and often look silly. By contrast, the Vision Pro's aluminum casing is made of magnesium and carbon fiber, and feels like a natural extension of Apple's familiar design language. Inside is what seems like a tiny iPhone 6, a tiny AirPods Max, a tiny Apple Watch.It's cutting-edge technology in a package that looks very familiar. Almost everyone agrees that the Vision Pro looks smaller than expected, especially compared to the huge VR headsets we've seen over the past decade.

The Vision Pro's front-facing display is designed so that you're not cut off from other people while wearing it. In Apple's promotional renders, it looks like a big, bright screen that shows people around you video of your eyes so they can talk to you comfortably while you're wearing the device.


TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

There are tons of cameras and sensors hidden inside this glass enclosure. There's a pair of high-resolution front-facing cameras for video perspective, cameras facing down and to the side for tracking your hands, a LIDAR scanner and TrueDepth camera for spatial tracking, plus an infrared searchlight so everything works in low light.

Underneath it all, you have an M2 processor and the new R1 Space Co-Processor, as well as a pair of fans for cooling from above. During my testing of the Vision Pro, I never noticed the presence of the fans, but the temperatures were certainly high: the headset gets very warm after extended periods of use.

On the top edge, you'll find an enlarged version of the familiar Apple Watch controls: a digital knob on the right that adjusts volume and virtual reality immersion; buttons on the left to take 3D photos and videos.

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

You get two headbands in the box: a single webbing band and a double loop band. They are both easy to snap attach and detach. The single webbing is definitely cooler and will mess up your hair less. But of course, they both mess up your hair, so if the double loop band is better for you, go for it. However, I found the single webbing to be more comfortable. I also wish the snap attachment point was on the outside so I could just loop the headband around my head for the snap attachment without pinching and pulling on my hair.

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

If you have eyeglasses, you can opt for custom Zeiss optical inserts, but I was using the Vision Pro with soft contacts, and that felt great.

The Vision Pro's speakers are mounted on the side and work well, are loud and present spatial audio convincingly. It really sounds like it's happening in a specific place. The speakers are also quite "leaky", so everyone around you can hear the sound unless you choose to wear a headset.

You can use any Bluetooth headset, but if you use the latest AirPods Pro, you'll get a whole bunch of extra gains like lower latency, lossless 48KHz audio, and Apple's Adaptive Audio System, which automatically mixes sounds from the real world as needed.

The most striking thing about the hardware after using it for a while is that it ...... is heavy. Not counting the headband and Light Seal you use, the head unit alone weighs between 600 and 650 grams. I've always joked that the Vision Pro is the iPad for your face, but it's heavier than the 11-inch iPad Pro (470 grams) and closer to the 12.9-inch iPad Pro (682 grams), so in a sense, it really is the iPad for your face.

All the weight of the Vision Pro is completely front-loaded.Other headsets such as the Quest Pro (722 grams) use carefully designed headbands to balance the weight, but the Vision Pro puts all the weight up front. Switching to dual loop straps helps with weight distribution, but doesn't really reduce the overall feeling of wearing the headset: you'll notice it after a while.

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

It's worth noting that the Vision Pro is a much heavier machine than the familiar Quest 2 (503g) or even the heavier Quest 3 (515g). Apple told me that it chose to use an external battery specifically to reduce the weight of the headset. The battery itself is hardly worth talking about; it's a silver brick of a device that weighs 353g with a USB-C port and an activation LED (green when charging, orange when not). It connects to the head unit via a satisfactory connector, but the nice braided cable is permanently attached to the battery itself, so don't break it. You can buy extra batteries for $199, but they're not hot-swappable. Disconnecting the Vision Pro's battery cuts off power.

I don't have a strong opinion on this battery setup, mostly because the Vision Pro doesn't feel like you should be walking around with it on, so it's more or less okay. Interestingly, of the many manufacturers out there, it was Apple that introduced this compromise.

设置Vision Pro非常简单,头带是唯一需要的手动调整,其他一切都是机动的和传感器驱动。没有需要拨动的精密转轮。当你第一次戴上头显时,它会要求你按住数码旋钮来调整透镜,然后你就可以完成一个相当标准的eye tracking设置。其余的设置与其他iOS设备几乎完全相同:如果你有iPhone,你可以把它放到Vision Pro旁边并发送你的所有设置,当然你必须同意一定的条款和条件。如果你没有iPhone,你必须手动输入密码,但作为一个独立的设备,它可以正常工作。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

Apple is very proud of the Vision Pro's displays, and they have good reason: they represent a huge leap forward in display technology. Both displays are Micro OLEDs with a total of 23 million pixels measuring just 7.5 microns, about the size of a red blood cell. Each pixel is made up of three RGB sub-pixels using an S-Stripe arrangement. Just thinking about the precision required to make such displays and then getting them to work in a device like this is exciting.

They also generally look incredible: clear enough to read text without thinking, bright enough to use for watching movies. Apple calibrates their colors at the factory, so they're accurate and don't look over-saturated or exaggerated. They're very small, but they work well.

Monitors are the main reason Vision Pro is so expensive: they're at the heart of the Vision Pro experience, and it's what makes the whole thing work. After all, you're always looking at them. But while they work wonders on a technical level, there are the same trade-offs in deploying them in a device like this.

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

But a see-through VR headset with an external battery pack isn't Apple's biggest goal. This company's biggest goal is AR, or augmented reality. Optical augmented reality in particular, where light reaches your eyes directly through sleek eyewear devices and digital information can be superimposed on top of what you see.AR is a technology that could be truly disruptive, and Apple CEO Tim Cook has been talking for years about how VR headsets are an isolating experience, and how important he thinks AR is:

  • 2016: "Few people would find it acceptable to close themselves off."
  • 2017: "Unlike virtual reality, which shuts out the real world, augmented reality allows individuals to exist in the real world."
  • 2017: "I've never been a fan of virtual reality."
  • 2020: "I don't think [augmented reality] will isolate people. We can use it to augment our discussions, not replace human connection."

问题是,制造一种足以取代日常电脑的真正光学增强现实显示器的技术尚不存在。Magic Leap 2是一款光学AR头显,比Vision Pro更便宜、更小,但它在视场和图像质量方面的妥协让大多数人无法接受。

So, Apple decided to make a headset with real-time video perspective, which was the decisive trade-off for the Vision Pro. It's a VR headset masquerading as an AR headset. I can tell you this: the Vision Pro's video perspective is very good and convincing. You put on the headset, digital content appears, and you're back in the same place you were before you put on the headset, only now with a bunch of visionOS windows floating around.

This sounds very simple, but it is an amazing engineering achievement. Apple claims that there's only a 12ms delay between what the camera sees and what's displayed, and that includes the exposure time of the camera itself. The actual data processing is even faster. Doing the math, Apple says it's not even enough to delay one frame: the next frame of video is ready before you've finished watching the previous one.

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

Apple's incredible video processing power is presented right before your eyes: I swiped through my phone while wearing the Vision Pro with no screen popping or weird frame rate issues. I meanwhile generally wore the headset while working on my Mac computer in the form of a huge window. It was a torturous test of dynamic range, and while not perfect, usable. This is by far the best video perspective feature in a consumer device.

The problem is that a camera is still a camera and a monitor is still a monitor. For example, all cameras have motion blur. In low light, the camera either increases the exposure time at the expense of reducing sharpness, or increases the ISO at the expense of reducing noise, which in turn requires noise reduction, thus making the photo blurry and dark. Both cameras and monitors have real limitations in color reproduction.

Vision Pro cannot overcome the inherent characteristics of the camera and monitor. When you move your head in Vision Pro, you can easily see motion blur (motion blur increases in low light) and causes strange straight line distortions. Low light also causes the overall clarity of the video perspective to degrade as the noise reduction feature kicks in: the iPhone screen I saw as the sun went down became noticeably blurry.

如果你在一个中等光线的房间里,在中途沉浸在一个黑暗的虚拟环境中并打开一扇明亮的窗户,比如说晚上坐在厨房里,开着灯,或者在一个漂浮在黑暗沙滩之上的Google文档窗口里写一篇评论,这时你会注意到,随着系统试图平均你所看到的所有一切的亮度,显示器的亮度会慢慢上升和下降。当我通过摄像头看微波炉时,微波炉的液晶时钟就会闪烁。苹果的规格显示,显示器支持92%的DCI-P3色域,这意味着Vision Pro只能显示人眼实际能看到的49%的颜色。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

This display also has other limitations: the field of view isn't very large, and the nature of viewing tiny displays through a lens makes the field of view feel even smaller. Apple didn't tell me exact numbers, but the Vision Pro's field of view is certainly smaller than the Quest 3's 110-degree horizontal field of view. That means there's a fairly large black border around the image you're looking at, kind of like when using binoculars.

To top it off, there is a little bit of distortion and vignetting at the edges of the lens, and you'll see green and pink edges, especially in the midst of bright environments. All of this makes the available field of view feel smaller. If you're looking at bright or otherwise high-contrast objects, such as a white text window floating above a dark desert, you'll see highlights reflected from the lens.

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

Above is a screenshot of the Vision Pro, while below is a simulation of what you'll see when wearing the headset:

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

I asked Apple about this aspect. Yes, the above is what it's supposed to look like. Apple spokeswoman Jacqueline Roy told me that the Vision Pro's combination of hardware and software is specifically designed to minimize the impact of differences, but they're definitely there and you'll see them.

If you've been following VR for the past decade, you'll know that these are all very familiar VR display issues. So a little weirdness around the edges of the display isn't a big deal, or even a surprise, except that Apple's Vision Pro costs $3,499, and it feels like the display is perfect enough to allow you to fold your laundry while wearing the headset.

When I say Vision Pro has the best video perspective I've ever seen, I mean it. But it will constantly remind you that you're looking at video on a screen. Almost no one needs to care about color gamut when reviewing consumer devices, but if you want me to perceive reality through a certain device, I want to see all the colors of the rainbow.



最初几次在Vision Pro使用手+眼追踪功能时,你会感到非常神奇,这感觉就像是一种超能力。Vision Pro的外部摄像头只需要看到你的手就可以工作,而它们可以看到相当大的区域。你可以把手放在腿上,放在空中,把胳膊肘放在桌上,可以把手放到几乎任何摄像头能看到的地方。其实花一分钟你就会意识到,你不需要在你举手示意,而一旦你明白了这一点,看着别人在第一次使用Vision Pro时本能地举起手时,这会是一件非常有趣的事情。

但接下来几次使用手+眼追踪功能时,它就不再像是超能力了,在某些情况下,它甚至会令使用Vision Pro变得更加困难。事实证明,要看着你想要操作的控件真的会让人分心。


Vision Pro根本不是这样:你必须看着什么才能点击,这意味着你需要不断地把注意力从你正在做的事情转移到你下一步需要点击的按钮。我花了点时间玩一款名为《Stitch》的小游戏,但很快我就变得抓狂起来,因为我总是会直接把视线移向目标位置,而不是首先看着棋子并轻敲手指然后再移动视线。这意味着如果我是直接把视线移向目标位置,当我轻敲手指时,我并没有捡起任何棋子。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience




你的眼和手并不能直接控制Vision Pro:摄像头在观察你的眼和手,并将其转化为输入,但有时解读并不完美。最好的例子就是屏幕键盘,你可以盯着每个字母,然后捏合手指进行选择,或者用两根手指点戳面前的浮动键。除了输入Wi-Fi密码外,根本不值得用它来做任何事情。如果要做更长时间的事情,你需要使用听写功能或连接蓝牙键盘。为什么?因为你可以直接控制输入。

另外,Vision Pro不一定总能看到你的手。在你的身体前面有一个相当大的气泡,当在这个气泡里面,摄像头就可以看到你的手。它基本上延伸了手臂的长度,在你的身体前面形成一个半圆形。但如果你靠在椅子上面,手臂放在身体两侧,它就看不到你的手。如果你坐在桌子旁边,你的手放在腿上,它可能看不到你的手。如果你躺在一个黑暗的房间里,红外照明灯够不到你的手,摄像头可能看不到你的手。如果你只是站着,双臂放在身体两侧,而你的手向后移得太远,它同样可能就看不到你的手。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience


但现在,它的限制显而易见。使用Vision Pro会让你时刻意识到你在看什么,你的手在哪里,这与我用过的任何其他计算机都不一样。当没有成功执行时,它会令人无比抓狂。

不过,一个不断观察双手输入的系统往往会记录很多额外的输入。对于视频,我会首先写好文案,而且我在说话的时候会辅以手势动作。所以当我一边穿戴Vision Pro一边为这篇评测撰写视频文案时,系统一直有捕捉到我的手在移动,并开始意外地造成滚动和点击。当我第一次意识到发生了什么事时,我笑了。但最终,这意味着我要把Vision Pro拿下来,并在我的Mac上编写剩下的文案。



我不会在这里详细介绍非常怪异的Personas系统,了解它们的最好方法是看看文章最上方的视频,里面包括华尔街日报的乔安娜·斯特恩(Joanna Stern)、马奎斯·布朗利(Marques Brownlee)和我之间的FaceTime通话,而我们都使用了我们自己的*Personas。用马奎斯的话来说,Personas确实令人印象深刻,但同时非常糟糕。你可以明白为什么苹果会给它们贴上测试版的标签。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

一个小提示:只要应用程序需要前置摄像头,Personas就会出现,所以它们基本上适用于所有应用程序。我的Personas在Safari进行Google Meet通话时表现得很好,但参与通话的其他人根本不认为它很好。


除非真的需要,否则我不建议你用Vision Pro拍照。单次按下快门按钮就能获得2560 x 2560的静态照片,亦即650万像素。据我所知,它总是来自左主摄像头,EXIF数据显示它有一个18mm f/2.0镜头。照片看起来像是来自一个为视频优化的微型摄像头传感器的650万像素照片。换句话说,它们看起来非常糟糕。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

视频稍微好一点。Vision Pro以30fps的速度拍摄2200 x 2200的视频。它们看起来比照片好一点,但依然存在很多可怕的压缩,如果你碰巧在除了Vision Pro以外的任何设备查看它们,你会注意到摄像头在移动时的桶形畸变。它们感觉都不是特别重要,因为我真的想不出我想要一边戴着头显一边拍摄视频的情况,因为视频和屏幕截图都会伴随着你的头部移动而出现大量的过度运动。另外,如果你戴着这个玩意给家人拍照,你看起来会非常可笑。我认为,公平地说,大多数购买Vision Pro的人都拥有iPhone,而iPhone的视频拍摄效果非常好。

用iPhone 15 Pro Max拍摄空间视频,然后在Vision Pro播放会非常令人信服。我在圣诞节前后拍了给我女儿在动物园里的视频,而就像任何父亲一样,我可能会一遍又一遍地看下去。整体效果给人一种难以置信的,真实的苦乐参半感:你可以逼真地重温一段短暂的记忆,但你只是独自一人戴着体验,不能与任何人分享。

另一个问题是,目前你可以选择1080p 30fps的空间视频或手机支持的全4K分辨率,但不能两者兼而有之。现在,我将坚持使用更高分辨率的视频,但总有一天,默认的空间拍摄将是明智之举,而这会是一个真正的转折点。


Vision Pro运行的是visionOS,苹果称其基于iPad,并在延迟和视觉方面进行了大量定制,以使其适用于空间计算。以iPad为基础对苹果而言带来了一个令人难以置信的开端。Meta花了数年时间来构建基于Android的Quest操作系统的所有功能,并不断填充其应用程序商店,但迄今为止它的大多数内容依然主要是游戏。相反,苹果在一开始就拥有全套成熟的iPad功能和庞大的iPad应用库。

说Vision Pro是给你的脸准备的iPad非常有趣,但就目前的应用程序集而言,这并不是完全错误。它们中的大多数都像正常的iPad应用一样工作,主屏幕预装了一个名为“兼容应用”的文件夹,里面全是真正的iPad应用。对于一款刚刚发布的产品而言,我们很难判断它的应用生态系统,但在这一点上,我可以完全放心地评判iPad的应用生态系统,而苹果将自己的播客和新闻应用作为iPad应用在Vision Pro发行,这在很多方面就已经说明了问题。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

在Vision Pro应用方面已经存在争议:Netflix、Spotify和Youtube等大型开发商决定等一段时间再考虑是否提供第一方的应用,而他们甚至不允许iPad应用在Vision Pro运行。像往常一样,开放的网络都是苹果开发者政治的压力释放阀,而Vision Pro的Safari可以说是iPad Safari的一个翻版:我在Safari看Netflix,它运行得非常顺利,但你不能像使用本地应用程序那样把视频放在一个精致的环境之中。我同时在Vision Pro的Safari浏览器看了YouTube TV播放的NFL季后赛,尽管它一直在要求我一遍又一遍地确认我的位置,但确实可用。

奇怪的是,Vision Pro的Safari与基于网络的3D体验相当脱节。苹果已经在支持WebXR标准方面发出过一定的声音,在Safari的高级偏好设置中同样有一定的flag来启用支持,但就目前的实际工作而言,大多数情况下都不行。


另一方面,我问苹果为什么YouTube庞大的VR视频库不能支持Vision Pro。他们告诉我因为它们不够好:“很多内容是为不能提供高质量空间体验的设备创建”,而苹果的努力集中在“提供最好的空间媒体体验,包括空间照片和视频,苹果沉浸式视频,以及Apple TV的3D电影。”

换句话说:不要对YouTube VR支持抱太大期望。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience



遗憾的是,visionOS无法与其他人共享这种窗口或体验:两个戴着Vision Pro头显的人坐在同一个房间里无法同时看到漂浮在空间中的相同对象。苹果告诉我,有企业开发者在开发共享视图体验,而你可以通过FaceTime将一个Vision Pro的视图镜像到另一个Vision Pro。但最终,我的Safari艺术画廊只有一个赞助人:我。你能做到这一切是很神奇,但当你知道没有人会能够欣赏体验到的时候,你会感觉很孤独。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience



visionOS有明显改进空间的一个方面是窗口管理。没有Exposé或Stage Manager来汇集你面前所有打开的窗口或将它们预先安排好,而当前提供的管理并不完全是可发现的或直观的布局。你可以在一个应用程序中点击并按住X键来隐藏所有其他应用程序。如果你想隐藏一切,你可以双击头显的数码旋钮。如果你想关闭所有应用,你只需问Siri。如果你想退出一个不正常的应用程序,你可以同时按住顶部按钮和数码旋钮以弹出一个强制退出窗口。


TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

说到Mac,我知道很多人对购买Vision Pro只是为巨大虚拟显示器的想法感到兴奋。关于这一点,有好消息也有坏消息。好消息是,Mac的显示共享功能非常出色,而诸如Handoff和Continuity等苹果生态系统技巧在这种情况下简直就是魔术。你可以在Mac上复制,然后粘贴到visionOS中。你可以在visionOS中打开你的Mac显示器,然后把鼠标从屏幕上拖出,突然之间,你的Mac键盘和触控板就开始控制visionOS应用程序了。它的工作原理就像Mac和iPad之间一样。我把一个虚拟的Mac显示器放到MacBook Pro屏幕上面,看起来就像我有一台50英寸的笔记本电脑,这太棒了。

这里有很多非常复杂的显示缩放在幕后进行,但简单来想就是你基本上得到了一个27英寸的视网膜显示屏。你的Mac认为它连接到分辨率为5120 x 2880的5K显示器上,它运行的macOS的逻辑分辨率为2560 x 1440,就像5K显示器一样。然后,虚拟显示器会以4K 3560 x 2880视频的形式传输到Vision Pro,而你可以随心所欲地放大它。所有这一切的结果是4K内容以原生4K分辨率运行。但无论你把Mac的显示空间设得多大,你只有2560 x 1440的窗口可以放置,而且你看不到像素完美的5K图像。


TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

关于visionOS(以及Vision Pro本身)的一个更奇怪的事情是,它没有很多真正的AR。比如,空间中的物理对象和数字对象之间的实际交互。

这么多年来,苹果一直在谈论增强现实,在我使用Vision Pro的整个过程中,我发现有三件事为增强现实的未来提供了一个预览。第一:当你看Mac电脑时,Vision Pro有时会在它上面放一个“connect display”按钮以开始屏幕共享。第二:当你在蓝牙键盘打字并低头看自己的手时,它会在键盘上方显示一个小文本预览窗口,这样你就能看到你在输入什么。这都是小小的功能,但它们却是第一批真正的AR计算功能,并已经在主流设备发布。它们是一个令人难以置信的可能性的一瞥,而它们碰巧非常有用。


但差不多就是这样了。visionOS的其余部分并没有出现太多的现实增强功能。有很多你可以称之为混合现实的元素:虚拟对象漂浮在空间中,但与任何真实物体都没有联系。所有这些浮动的应用窗口都是独立于物理环境。至于娱乐领域,苹果则直接让Vision Pro回归到VR头显的本质,但它绝对是大放异彩的体验。

在Vision Pro看电影非常有趣,尤其是在Apple TV的沉浸式电影院中。你可以选择自己想坐的位置,在像胡德山这样的虚拟环境中看电影,而你会看到屏幕的颜色反射到风景之上。你甚至可以在像复仇者联盟大厦这样的Disney+环境中四处看看。电影本身看起来很棒,当你在看电影的时候,Vision Pro那令人难以置信的显示质量真的非常明显。我看《壮志凌云2:独行侠》的时长比我预期的要长,因为它放大到汽车影院的尺寸并漂浮在一座山上,这看起来实在是太棒了。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

由于Vision Pro向每只眼睛发送不同的图像,它可以提供真正的3D电影。苹果及其合作伙伴,如迪斯尼,他们已经发布了相当多的3D电影。所以如果你有一个巨大的苹果电影库,你可以免费获得相关的3D版本,你只需在点击播放时选择2D或3D播放即可。苹果同时在制作Apple TV Plus节目的沉浸式版本,这基本上意味着一个180度的3D视频。我在《Adventure》中看到有人走钢丝,非常逼真,但如果你以前从未尝试过,我建议你在进入3D视频之前先习惯VR晕动。苹果同时承诺会提供沉浸式体育内容,但遗憾的是,我还没能体验到相关内容。

可以说,Vision Pro作为一款非常昂贵的电视物有所值,但过了一会儿,它的重量就会提醒你:这款非常好的电视就承放在你的脸上(我通常在30分钟到一个小时后会想休息一下)。这同时是一款非常昂贵的电视,没有HDMI输入,所以你只能使用苹果的游戏库,而这让人感觉非常不公平。与你生活中的其他电视不同,Vision Pro可以对你的眼睛进行数字版权管理,如果你用Apple TV或Disney+看电影,然后想截图,内容就会变黑。面对这样一个现实,大公司会阻止你截屏你所看到的一切,即便你只是想在评测中向大家展示具体有多酷。但这同时非常奇怪,在iPhone端,你可以拍一张屏幕照片来避开DRM截图,但Vision Pro就不能使用这样的办法了。

说到游戏,这里没有任何真正的VR游戏或健身应用,没有像《Beat Saber》、《Red Matter》或《Population: One》这样的热门游戏。健身尤其帮助Quest走进了更主流的market。《Supernatural》的克里斯·米尔克(Chris Milk)曾在2021年告诉我,他的用户群是男女各占一半,其中60%的用户年龄在40岁以上。这使得Meta直接收购了《Supernatural》,因为他们担心苹果会抢先收购它。

尽管苹果在其他设备非常关注健身和健康,但在发售时,Vision Pro却没有任何类似的体验。我认为这是因为Vision Pro似乎不适合这种游戏体验:它太重了,又需要外接电池,而且很难想象如果没有控制器,你应该怎么玩这些游戏。苹果告诉我,使用Unity的游戏开发者正在努力移植更多游戏,而visionOS允许开发者自定义手势,而这可能会解决一定的控制器问题。我曾经尝试过《超级水果忍者》的预发行版本,它使用了自定义的切割手势,而效果看起来不错,但到目前为止也仅此而已。

关于Vision Pro中的VR晕动,有一点需要注意:它并不能真正保护你免受自己的伤害。我对VR相当满意,我和妻子使用了《Supernatural》,而我在玩PSVR 2的《Gran Turismo 7 VR》时经历了一段短暂而愉快的时期。我非常清楚自己在VR晕动方面的容忍度,我可以毫无问题地做大多数事情。但Vision Pro是如此令人信服,以至于你很容易走得太远太快并让自己出现恶心的症状。我在Disney+看了五分钟的3D版《阿凡达:水之道》,然后我马上需要停下来,因为画面太剧烈了。我建议新人慢慢来,确保你能慢慢发现自己的极限。第一次的VR晕动可不是闹着玩的。


Vision Pro是一款令人惊叹的产品。从令人难以置信的显示和透视技术,到令其无缝作用的完整生态系统,再到甚至令所有人几乎忽略掉外部电池的感觉,这是只有苹果才能真正制造出来的第一代设备。我内心深处认为,Vision Pro之所以存在,只是因为苹果的能力令人难以置信:人才储备充足,资源充足,可以为了应对挑战而解决所能想到的最困难的问题。

Vision Pro中的很多构思都是经过深思熟虑,而很少有其他公司能做到这一点,更不用说是在第一次迭代中实现。但令人震惊的是,苹果可能无意中透露出其中一些核心理念实际上是死胡同。它们永远无法做到足够好,无法成为主流:这是有史以来最好的视频透视头显,但你会发现基于摄像头的混合现实透视可能只是一条无果之路;这是迄今为止最好的手控和眼控系统,但你会感觉鼠标、键盘和触控屏将在未来几年内依然无可取代。这里面有太多的技术会令你感觉,当它起作用的时候很神奇,但当它不起作用的时候就会令你无比沮丧。

TheVerge's AR/VR media personality of the decade shares in-depth handbook of Vision Pro experience

另一种看待Vision Pro的方式是,以上的问题苹果都知道,只是制造真正AR眼镜的技术尚不存在,所以Vision Pro代表了类似的模拟器或开发工具包。一个允许我们为想象中的硬件,亦即可让你与他人分享数字体验的真正光学AR眼镜,允许我们先为其构建应用和有意义用例的梦工厂。在这个框架下,苹果现在可以推出Vision Pro硬件,让每个人都思考探索相关的概念,同时他们将把资源投入到它想要打造的真正硬件身上。思考相关的可能性非常有趣,而很多人已经在这样做。

但我们有一条最古老的规则:你评测的是今天发货的产品,而不是未来的承诺。所以我不断地回忆自己第一次把Vision Pro戴在头上时所提出的问题:

  • 你想要一台每次使用都会弄乱你头发的计算机吗?
  • 如果你化了妆,你想要一台每次使用都会弄掉你的化妆品的计算机吗?
  • 你想要一台允许迪斯尼阻止你截图截屏的计算机吗?
  • 你想使用一台可以轻松向其他人展示你所看到的一切的计算机吗?
  • 你认为你能拥有的最豪华的电视是否应该有HDMI输入?
  • 你想用一台在暗室里不能正常工作的计算机吗?
  • 你想用一台总是盯着你双手的计算机吗?

这里存在很多权衡,非常重大的权衡,而不是轻微的权衡。最大的缺点是,尽管有可以显示双眼的EysSight显示屏,但使用Vision Pro依然是一种非常孤独的体验。你独自在里面经历着没有其他人能参与的体验。在使用了Vision Pro一段时间后,我开始同意库克一直以来所坚持的观点:头显本质上是孤立的。这对于传统的VR头显而言还可以接受,因为在过去的十年里,它基本上已经变成了一种游戏机。但对于主要的计算设备而言,这种孤立的体验就显得十分奇怪了。

我不想在Vision Pro里完成工作。我的工作需要和其他人一起完成,我更愿意和大家在一起。

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