Third-party Vision Pro App Store platform surfaces

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(XR Navigation Network February 01, 2024)VisionPro即将发售,而apple为这款设备准备了一个全新的App Store,其中包括超过100万个应用程序,Apple Arcade超过250个有趣的游戏,以及为visionOS构建的全新空间体验。

但对于苹果的App Store,这家公司有着相关的应用发行要求。所以,社区出现了允许Vision Pro开发者自由分享应用的平台,比如说Apps For Apple Vision.

Third-party Vision Pro App Store platform surfaces</trp-post-container

类似于Meta Quest,由于Meta对Quest Store有着相对严格的应用发行要求,所以社区出现了一个名为SideQuest的第三方平台,允许开发者自由分享自己的作品,包括实验性的概念,针对特定用户群的小众内容,以及开发早期的作品等等。

For Apple Vision Pro, the third-party Apps For Apple Vision seems intent on becoming a platform like SideQuest. They say the platform is designed to support visionOS developers around the world, and that it's where users can discover space computing apps, enjoy groundbreaking immersive experiences, explore new universes, and learn about the visionOS apps available for Apple Vision Pro.

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