Sony's Mocopi VRChat body tracking system now available for PCs

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Sony's Mocopi Body Tracking System For VRChat Now Works On PC

由于与SlimeVR的合作,Sony Mocopi现在可以在PC上运行。

What is Sony Mocopi?

Mocopi is a $450 simplified PC VR body tracking kit that was released in Japan in late 2022 and made its way to the US last year. The kit includes six trackers.

每个追踪器都配备了一个惯性测量单元(IMU),其中包含一个微小的加速度计和陀螺仪。数据输入到骨骼模型中,以产生基于每个追踪器的相对旋转和力的合理的(但不完美的)全身姿势估计。基于IMU的系统需要针对每个用户进行校准,并且容易发生漂移,并且无法提供与SteamVR Lighthouse等真实位置追踪系统相同的质量。然而,他们的优点是不需要基站,并且可以非常紧凑。

The tracker communicates via Bluetooth with the required Mocopi mobile app. The app previously only supported forwarding data to the MetaMetaQueston VRChat, but things have changed.

It now runs on PCs!

Sony has released a new software update that allows it to run on PCs through a partnership with SlimeVR.

SlimeVR makes its own IMU trackers and has a PC app for communicating with and managing them. The Mocopi mobile app can now forward Mocopi tracker data to the SlimeVR PC app, which then forwards it to VRChat.

Cheaper than Vive Trackers

Sony Mocopi could be used asHTCThe cheaper alternatives in themarketFind your location on for VR users who don't already have a SteamVR base station.

The Vive Ultimate Trackers three-piece kit with wristbands, or the traditional Vive Trackers kit with wristbands and base station, retails for $650 and requires charging each tracker separately.

The Mocopi retails for $450 and has a handy simultaneous charging kit. But keep in mind that Vive Trackers offer true 6DoF tracking for more accurate results.


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