'Vive Ultimate tracker now supports Beta for PC VR'

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Vive Ultimate Trackers现已支持PC VR测试版

Vive Ultimate Trackers现在可以在PC上使用,尽管这项支持目前还处于测试版阶段。

What are Vive Ultimate Trackers?

之前的Vive Trackers使用了Valve的SteamVR Tracking系统,因此需要SteamVR Tracking基站的支持。Vive Ultimate Trackers于11月发布,配备了两个广角摄像头和一块板载芯片,可以进行自身内部定位追踪,这是大多数头显现在使用的一种追踪方式。它们不需要基站,也不需要在头盔相机的视野范围内,可以直接与独立头盔配对使用。

It's about 50% the size of the Vive Tracker 3.0 and weighs 25% more at 94 grams.HTCIt claims to offer up to 7 hours of battery life, very close to the 7.5 hours it offers for the Vive Tracker 3.0.

The Vive Ultimate Tracker will cost $200 each, with the required USB-C adapter costing an additional $40. You'll need at least three Trackers for body tracking, and HTC will offer a three-piece set with adapters for $600. To physically attach the Vive Ultimate Trackers to your body, you'll also need the Rebuff RealityofTrackStraps, with which HTC has officially partnered and is selling the product on its website.

PC VR Beta Support

Vive Ultimate Trackers connect wirelessly via a USB-C adapter and support up to five Trackers at a time.

So far, the USB-C adapter only supports HTC's standalone headsets, the Vive XR Elite and the Vive Focus 3. You can use the Vive Ultimate Trackers on PC VR via the PC VR Wi-Fi streaming feature built into both headsets.

But now, HTC has launched a beta program to connect the adapter directly to your PC and use it with any PC VR headset.

To participate in the test program, you need to go to#betas-available The channel, which is located atVive Discord Servermiddle.


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