Meta AR/VR Earnings Explode to Record Revenue as Quest Series Sells Out

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(XR Navigation Network February 02, 2024)Meta ) Meta Platforms reported its four-quarter 2023 results on Feb. 1, EST, after the U.S. stock market, and the business responsible for Meta UniverseReality Labs营收超预期。其中,Reality Labs在Q4季度的营收为10.71亿美元,同比暴涨215.93%,而且系2020年Q4开始公布统计数据以来的新高。Reality Labs在Q4季度的亏损为-46.46亿美元,同比一年前亏损扩大8.577%。

Separately, Meta's Q4 revenue for the entire group came in at $40.11 billion, above analysts' expectations of $39.01 billion. Meanwhile, first-quarter revenue is expected to be $34.5 billion to $37 billion, above analysts' expectations of $33.64 billion.


Quest Series Sells Big, Meta AR/VR Earnings Explode to All-Time High Revenue</trp-post-container

1. Revenue

Quest Series Sells Big, Meta AR/VR Earnings Explode to All-Time High Revenue</trp-post-container

Quest Series Sells Big, Meta AR/VR Earnings Explode to All-Time High Revenue</trp-post-container

On a year-over-year basis, Reality Labs reported revenue of $1,896.0 million in 2023, continuing its decline since 2021. On a quarterly basis, Reality Labs reported revenue of $1.071 billion in Q4 2023, beating analysts' estimates of $812.6 million. The year-over-year figure jumped 215.93% and is the highest since Q4 2020, when the company began publishing statistics.

As a backdrop, Meta is officially releasing a new October 20223Quest 3 headset and offered a huge discount promotion for the Quest 2 during the holiday season. According to earlier reports, both devices are selling very well.

2. Profit/loss

Quest Series Sells Big, Meta AR/VR Earnings Explode to All-Time High Revenue</trp-post-container

Quest Series Sells Big, Meta AR/VR Earnings Explode to All-Time High Revenue</trp-post-container

Meta's meta-universe business remains in the red, according to the earnings report. On a year-over-year basis, Reality Labs posted a loss of -$16.117 billion in 2023, another record high since the data was published. On a quarterly basis, Reality Labs reported a loss of -$4.646 billion in Q4, widening its loss by 8.577% from a year ago.

However, as always, Meta expects Reality Labs' operating loss to increase "significantly" over the next few years, primarily due to continued investment in product development.

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