Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images

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As you can see, the product box features aappleA classic design language and a glimpse into the design of Apple's many other device boxes.VisionPro的产品包装盒采用往上滑开的套盖设计。长方体盒子的最上方是Vision Pro头显的正面视图,而侧面则是简单地印有灰色的苹果图标和“Vision Pro”字样。


Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

Community shares Apple Vision Pro unboxing video and images</trp-post-container

According to Apple's official description, the contents of the Vision Pro box are shown below:

  • Apple Vision ProThe headband includes the Light Seal, Light Seal Cushion and Solo Knit Band loops.

  • Front cover for head-mounted displays

  • Dual Loop Band Overhead Headband

  • batteries

  • Additional Light Seal Cushion

  • polishing cloth

  • 30W USB-C Power Adapter

  • USB - C Charging Cable (1.5m)

It's worth noting that Apple says the electrical and environmental requirements for this device are:

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