Apple shares tips for creating a setup Persona for Vision Pro

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(XR Navigation Network February 03, 2024)appleVisionPro可以通过摄像头创建一个与用户相似的逼真Avatar:“Persona”。这个代表用户的数字版化身可用于FaceTime等一系列的social contactApplications.

如上面的指导视频所示,在设置过程中,你首先需要确保没有人脸没有任何遮挡,然后摘下Vision Pro并用Eyesight显示屏水平对准自己。接下来,系统会扫描人脸,并通过语音指示来要求用户完成左右摇头,露齿笑,不露齿笑,闭合眼睛等动作。

In addition to the video demo above, Apple provides both instructions on how to set up Persona and advice on how to get the best results:

  • Take your time, there's no need to rush. Recording doesn't start until the Vision Pro is at eye level.

  • Use frontal, even lighting. Do not have bright windows or lights behind or next to you.Vision Pro may prompt you to adjust the lighting.

  • Make sure your face is well lit and there are no strong shadows.

  • Make sure your hair is not covering your face.

  • 使用简单的背景,远离椅子靠背和灯具等附近的物体。

  • Make sure there's no one behind you.

  • Make sure the Vision Pro remains at eye level throughout the shooting process.

  • When asked to smile, try to smile as naturally as possible.

  • If you can't make one of these expressions, such as raising your eyebrows or smiling with your teeth, double-tapping the digital knob skips the expression.

  • Hats, earrings, headsets and other items may not be fully captured. If they don't look right, they need to be removed and Persona has to recreate them.

Apple Shares Tips for Creating a Setup Persona for Vision Pro</trp-post-container

If your Persona doesn't appear as expected, you can redo the process and change the variables until it looks better. Note that recording with glasses on is not supported, so you'll have to choose one of Apple's preset styles.

Different lighting options can be applied to the Persona, plus you can adjust the temperature and brightness of the Persona through the settings.

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