With a total of 5 gesture actions, Apple shares bare-handed tips for operating the Vision Pro

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(XR Navigation Network February 03, 2024)along withVisionProof the offering.apple正积极分享使用这款设备的技巧,包括用于控制头显的手势概述。根据介绍,Vision Pro目前主要支持5种基本的手势动作。

Vision Pro Gesture

  • 手指轻敲:要在Vision Pro选择一个项目,你要首先看着它,然后拇指和食指轻敲闭合。苹果表示,这相当于在iphoneTouch screen clicks.

  • Pinch and Drag: To move items around in Vision Pro, you'll first look at an item, then pinch and drag with your thumb and index finger. You'll need to pinch all the way while moving the item, and you can release it when you're done. Pinch and drag is used to arrange applications, resize windows, scroll, and drag from one application to another.

  • Pinch and flick: To quickly scroll through content, you can first pinch your thumb and index finger together, then flick your wrist up and down. This gesture is used to move apps horizontally in the Home view, to scroll long web pages, and to quickly view images in the Photos app.

  • Pinch option: by tapping your finger to select an item and keeping your finger closed, you can bring up a list of items. Just look at an item, tap your thumb and forefinger closed, and hold it as long as you want. Once the options appear, you can let go and just tap to select.

  • Touch: There are specific elements in visionOS that allow direct interaction with fingers. The virtual keyboard is one such example.

Total of 5 gesture actions, Apple shares bare-handed tips for operating Vision Pro</trp-post-container

Gesture movement suggestions

For the best experience, Apple recommends using Bare Hand Interaction in a well-lit room, not wearing long sleeves or hand jewelry that covers most of your hand, and leaving your hand exposed.

  • Be sure to use the Vision Pro in a well-lit area and make sure the front of the device is clean and free of smudges so that your hands are visible to the outward-facing camera.

  • Let your hands rest comfortably in your lap, there is no need to raise them.

  • Make sure your hands are visible and not hidden under a table or blanket.

  • Gloves, long sleeves, and accessory jewelry that covers a large portion of the hand can interfere with the Vision Pro's gesture tracking.

  • Do not cross your arms or cover the hand making the gesture with your other hand.

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