Apple View Pro and Meta Quest are moving toward super vision

XR1yrs agorelease XR-GPT
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In the next few years, you should be able to look down the street and say "zoom in on that" as if a pair of binoculars had appeared in the air in front of you, and you'd be able to see the street farther than the naked eye. But we're still a long way from that, and the first-generation Apple Vision Pro doesn't do it... VisionPro并不能做到这一点。事实上,沙特阿拉伯仍在向像Magic Leap这样的公司投资5亿美元,而Meta则继续投资于光学AR眼镜,这意味着VR风格的带穿透视觉的头戴显示器是否会在户外得到广泛应用还尚未确定。

But I suspect that higher-resolution through-vision capabilities through higher-resolution cameras on VR head-mounted displays may be the clearer path than expanding the field of view of optical AR glasses. In the meantime, researchers at Stanford University are currently studying the phenomenon of eye recession when observing the world for extended periods of time through see-through vision on VR head-mounted displays.

Researchers in a recent paper onQuest 3的论文中指出,虽然透过视觉将非常有用,但它“也可能导致视觉后效应、距离判断的失误、引起模拟器晕动症,并且干扰社交联系。我们建议对于那些推动这些头戴显示器日常使用的公司要保持谨慎和克制,并敦促学者们对这一现象进行深入和长期的研究。”

就目前而言,请记住通过Meta Quest 3或Apple Vision Pro记录的视频和照片并不能传达这些限制。但它们确实传达了全天候增强现实的承诺及其帮助方式,比如在冰箱上挂个待办事项清单,使用起来有趣的吸尘器,或者在洗碗时观看大电视。

Let's consider how a VR-style head-mounted display in see-through mode can enhance vision over the long term.

Imagine being able to see through a wall to see what's going on inside, or to understand the strength of the radio wave signals coming from your wireless router. You would be able to see which piece of furniture or wall is preventing a reliable connection between the signal and that device that has been disconnected.

Imagine an Uber or DoorDash service for drones. You would be able to watch the drone's flight path all the way from its takeoff to your agreed upon delivery location. You wouldn't be looking at a flat map of dots moving around; instead, you'd see the drone literally traveling across the sky, through the walls of your home along the path to its destination.

Imagine never losing your keys or wallet again. Like hints in a video game, the head-mounted display will simply mark their exact location in the house for you through the wall.

I can only begin to imagine the possibilities, and Apple is currently offering developer kits at $3,500 each for them to build what they imagine. These developers are the real early adopters of Apple Vision Pro - they're building the next generation of apps for 24/7 augmented reality or hyper-vision, not influencers and YouTubers with Apple providing the hardware, or bots collecting viral videos on the X.

Few people realize that Vision Pro's through-vision enhancement is in many ways actually a step backwards for human vision. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why so many people see this technology as anti-utopian? After all, who wants to voluntarily have degraded eyes to observe the real world? Even for the promise of floating windows or access to cool virtual worlds, it's a daunting task.

However, contrary to this anti-utopian argument, it helps to recognize that not everyone can see with 20/30 or even better vision. In fact, for most of their lives, the vast majority of people use the age-old technique of optical eyewear to enhance their vision. Often this is to restore their vision to the 20/20 that others have, which in my opinion is why we need to focus on a group of people who are not the same as the influencers who showed the Vision Pro being used on skateboards or in swimming pools, but rather those who are already using the assistive device on a regular basis, and from whom we can get an idea of what the Vision Pro means to them. They have also been using their head mounted displays since last week and it will be interesting to see their perspective. I also suspect that their perspectives will play an important role in conveying the true promise of this technology in the long term.


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