Developer explores opening Steam VR games with Vision Pro

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(XR Navigation Network February 07, 2024) AlthoughappleIt's official.VisionProYou can play it via Mac Virtual Display.Steam的应用,而社区已经有人通过这种方式来畅玩《幻兽帕鲁》,但Vision Pro并不支持SteamVR游戏。

However, an independent software developer has modified the popular Wi-Fi streaming app ALVR, and this could potentially set the stage for the Vision Pro to run things like thehalf life: Opening the door for PC VR games like Alix.

Developer explores opening Steam VR games with Vision Pro</trp-post-container

Vision Pro可以执行一系列令人印象深刻的任务,并支持600+的原生visionOS应用,以及超过100万款兼容的iOS和iPad应用。尽管它是一款通用的计算设备,但头显的设计初衷并不是为了开玩SteamVR游戏。考虑到Vision Pro是苹果的产品,这一点都不奇怪。

据悉,名为Zhuowei Zhang的独立开发者已经能够在Vision Pro安装ALVR。作为说明,这是一款用于VR all-in-one machinea third-party app that supports you in streaming PC VR content over Wi-Fi.

Zhuowei Zhang didn't have a Vision Pro headset to test with, so he used the visionOS emulator. That doesn't mean you'll be able to play games like Half-Life: Alix, though, as they all require motion controllers. It was previously reported that Apple has no plans to provide VR controllers, so you may need to rely on other means.

For what it's worth, X/Twitter user ShinyQuagsire demonstrated using Vision Pro's hand tracking feature in VRChat via ALVR.

If you want to try installing ALVR in Vision Pro, go tothis pageand download the required software. It is important to note that installing third-party software is always risky, so please consider it carefully.

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