Wearable Devices partners with Qualcomm to bring neural wristband-based gesture input to Snapdragon Spaces

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Wearable Devices partners with Qualcomm to bring neural wristband-based gesture input to Snapdragon Spaces</trp-post-container

Wearable Devices的旗舰产品是用于Apple Watch的Mudra Band表带。通过集成基于人工智能的技术和算法,并利用专有传感器,系统能够识别手指、手腕的细微动作。

, the team is working on the XR space and hopes to set the standard for XR inputs with the Neural Wristband. In fact, the company has officially joined the Khronos Group'sOpenXRWorking Groups and become voting members.

For Wearable Devices vs.High-passIn collaboration with Snapdra Spaces, Mudra technology has been optimized and works with Snapdragon Spaces to enhance the user experience through intuitive gesture-based interactions.

Wearable Devices评价道:“我们与高通的合作证明了我们对可穿戴技术创新的承诺。通过使用骁龙Spaces对Mudra进行优化,我们正在为XR领域的用户界面设定新的标准,而这将改变整个行业的游戏规则。Wearable Devices正在将最好的非接触式控制技术与最先进的XR芯片组相结合,并准备重新定义AR和VR环境中的用户交互。这种体验模式强调了对产品marketconfidence in the potential and commercial demand, and reflects the commitment of Wearable Devices and Qualcomm to drive technology innovation and growth in the XR and wearable space."

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