Star Wars: Squadron gets a discount on SteamVR and PSVR

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Star Wars: Squadron isVR中最好的太空战斗游戏之一,目前在SteamandPSVRThere are huge discounts on.

Released in October 2020, Star Wars: Squadron takes place in the aftermath of Return of the Jedi, where you'll swap your lightsaber for an X-wing and TIE fighter by piloting fighters from both the New Republic and the Imperial Fleet in 5-on-5 battles. The game offers a full single-player campaign and online multiplayer with optional support for VR and HOTAS controls. Star Wars: Squadron is currently 95 percent off on Steam and PSVR, dropping the price from $39.99 to $1.99

We praised EA Motive's space combat game in our Star Wars: Squadron Review, lauding the immersive and wish-fulfilling experience the game offers Star Wars fans, but criticizing the multiplayer.

While I will say that Star Wars: Squadron exceeded my already high expectations in general, it wasn't perfect. For me personally, out of all the VR space combat games I've tried, it still excels in every way and offers a ton of nuance and extremely entertaining gameplay ...... Aside from a few minor gripes, for Star Wars fans, fans of arcade-style space combat games, and those who love fully immersive VR for that matter, Star Wars: Squadron could hardly be better.

Star Wars: Squadron is discounted on Steam until February 20th, while the PSVR special ends on February 14th. It's also included in the EA Play subscription.


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