Mark Zuckerberg Tried Apple's Vision Pro, But Claims Quest 3 Is Better - Here's Why

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在他的Instagram页面发布的一段三分钟半的视频中,Meta CEO对苹果的头戴显示器进行了评价,并与Meta自己的Quest 3进行了比较。

扎克伯格对Vision ProZuckerberg didn't seem satisfied with the Vision Pro, saying that he had only expected the Quest 3 to offer a better price/performance ratio than the Vision Pro, but after using it he found the Quest 3 to be "a better product, full stop," as it was "better suited for most people to He was surprised by how much better it was for most people to use mixed reality.

Zuckerberg began by noting that the Quest 3 has "precision controllers" that are perfect for gaming and a deeper library of immersive content.

To clearly demonstrate that the Quest 3 also has color-passing capabilities, Zuckerberg said his video was shot by someone wearing a Quest 3 and pointed out that the Quest 3 can also superimpose a huge virtual screen while passing through perspective, but that the Quest 3 is 120 grams lighter, has no interfering cables, and has a wider field of view. He also notes that while the Vision Pro's display has impressive resolution, its blurry dynamics come at a price.

Zuckerberg seemed to have no reservations about the Vision Pro, praising the eye-tracking technology, calling it "very good" and saying it provides a "great interface."

"We actually have these sensors in Quest Pro. We took them out in Quest 3 and will be adding them again in the future," Zuckerberg said, but it's unclear which future headset this refers to.

In response to those who disagree with him, Zuckerberg hinted that "some die-hard fans take offense at anyone who dares to question whether Apple is going to be a leader in a new space."

(I'm sure Blackberry and Nokia said a lot of similar things about the iPhone back in the day.)

He ends the video by saying that while Apple's closed model is winning in the mobile device space, that doesn't always apply, just as Microsoft's more open Windows model is winning in the personal computer space. And as he's done many times in the past, he promotes Meta Quest as an open option in spatial computing, in contrast to the closed Apple Vision - despite multiple problems with that positioning.

Meta is reportedly launching the "Quest 3 Lite" this year, a budget headset aimed at replacing the Quest 2 pricing, and is also working with LG on a high-end Quest Pro successor for 2025. While Zuckerberg doesn't seem to be interested in the Vision Pro, it will be interesting to see how much of Meta's hardware and software in the coming years is inspired by Apple's just-released product.


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