
Zuckerberg: Quest 3 is better than Vision Pro, Meta will beat Apple in the next era of computing

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(XR Navigation Network February 15, 2024)Meta首席执行官马克·扎克伯格已经尝试了appleVisionPro,而他日前在Instagram accountposted a video about 3 minutes and 30 seconds long on it and presented his thoughts on the device.

Although Apple's headset is more powerful than Meta's ownQuest 3 is seven times more expensive, but Zuckerberg doesn't seem to recognize the penny-pinching argument and insists that the Quest 3 is the better product. Plus, he expects to trump Apple in the next era of computing.

Zuckerberg: Quest 3 is better than Vision Pro, and Meta will beat Apple in the next era of computing</trp-post-container

在视频中,扎克伯格解释了他对价值3500美元的苹果Vision Pro的上手体验。对他来说,500美元的Quest 3毫无疑问是一笔更好的买卖,并解释了为什么他认为它是一款更好的产品。

The CEO said, "I have to say that before (trying Vision Pro), I expected Quest (3) to be a better value for most people because it's really, really good and seven times cheaper. But after using it, I don't just think Quest is a better value, I think Quest is just a better product."

Zuckerberg then emphasized that the Quest 3 beats Apple's Vision Pro in the "vast majority" of user scenarios when it comes to mixed reality.

To illustrate this, he said that the above video was shot with the Quest 3's see-through camera.

Not just that, Zuckerberg emphasized that Quest 3 is playing indoor games,social contact应用和健身应用方面的优势,并同时提到了这款头显的整体舒适度。

I think the Quest (3) is more comfortable," he said. We designed it to be 120 grams lighter than the Quest Pro, which is great for your face. When you're walking around, there are no data cables in your way."

The Meta CEO also cited the Quest 3's wider field of view, brighter screen, and lower motion blur. Although he mentioned that Apple's Vision Pro has a high-resolution display, he was surprised to find that "[Apple] had to make a lot of tradeoffs in the quality of the device, comfort, ergonomics, and the display and other aspects to get there."

Next, Zuckerberg emphasized the Vision Pro's lack of motion controllers, arguing that Apple's headset's hand-tracking performance is not as "accurate" as the Quest 3's. What's more, he says the Vision Pro'seye trackingThe functionality is okay, basically it can hold its own with Quest Pro.

He concluded, "I know that some Apple fans get upset whenever someone questions whether Apple will be a leader in a new field. But the reality is that every generation of computing has an 'open' and a 'closed' model. Yes, in mobile, Apple's closed model has triumphed. But this was not always the case. If you go back to the days of personal computersMicrosoftThe open model is the winner. In the next era of computing, Meta will be the open model, and I really want to make sure that the open model wins again."

Here are Zuckerberg's full remarks:

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