TikTok, the international version of Shakeology, brings native apps to Apple's Vision Pro

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(XR Navigation Network February 16, 2024) TikTok, the international version of Jitterbug, has announced that it has officially set up a new website for theappleVisionPro带来原生visionOS版本应用。换句话说,拥有Vision Pro的用户现在可以以空间计算形式刷视频了。

Jitterbug's international version of TikTok brings native apps to Apple Vision Pro</trp-post-container

对于使用过TikTok的iOS或Android版本的用户而言,visionOS版的界面看起来会相对熟悉。它有一个垂直的视频播放器,以及点赞、评论、收藏和分享的按钮。但团队利用了Vision Pro提供的巨大屏幕空间来分散其他界面元素,例如在右侧面板显示评论和创作者的个人资料,这样它们就不会遮盖主视频播放器。

TikTok released the original Vision Pro app back last month, when head of product Ahmad Zahran wrote that the team had "redesigned the entire TikTok experience from the ground up" for the Apple headset. On the Vision Pro side, you can swipe a TikTok video with the real world as the backdrop, or you can swipe a video from a completely virtual location like the surface of the moon. Not just that, you can use TikTok videos side-by-side with other apps.

Jitterbug's international version of TikTok brings native apps to Apple Vision Pro</trp-post-container

Currently, the mainstream AV platform services are not unanimous in their approach to Apple's new hardware. Disney has been a key partner for Apple, offering the ability to play 3D movies on Vision Pro through Disney Plus, and Apple also announced support from Amazon Prime Video, Paramount Plus, Mubi and Discovery Plus, among others.

On the other hand, Netflix andYoutubeNot currently allowedipadThe app runs on Apple's headset, so users can only access the service through the Safari browser. However, YouTube confirmed that a Vision Pro native app is on the roadmap.

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