VR Rhythm Boxing Game 'Beat the Beats' Coming to Sony PSVR 2 on February 27th

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(XR Navigation Network February 17, 2024) For VR music rhythm games, later developers are clearly looking to replicate the success of Beat Saber, which obviously includes Beat the Beats, which has its own unique style.

Indie game studio Parallel Circles has announced that Beat The Beats, which features boxing gameplay, will be available on February 27th onPSVR 2平台,并在年内提供Quest 2/3/ProandSteamVR version.

VR Rhythm Boxing Game 'Beat the Beats' Coming to Sony PSVR 2 on February 27th

according toSteam's free trial version, we found it to be not only a very stylish and fun experience, but also a great way to work up a sweat.

Similar to most rhythm and sound games, Beat The Beats uses a fairly simple setup: along with the dynamic music, you'll need to hit upcoming squares of the corresponding color with your green or pink fists, blocking purple slashes while avoiding large red and black prisms. If you miss a note, the giant curved display in front of you flashes red.

But when you actually start playing the game, you'll feel as if you've entered a very marvelous minimalist environment while you crush notes from all possible angles. The sound effects are very good, with the red and black prisms making a fun bass whooshing sound as they fly over your head.

Beat The Beats is coming to PSVR 2 on February 27th with Quest 2/3/Pro and SteamVR versions available throughout the year.

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