Shipping Quest 3 and Pro apps now work with both gesture tracking and controllers

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Shipping Quest 3 & Pro Apps Can Now Use Hand Tracking And Controllers Simultaneously

Multimodal footage by VR enthusiast Luna.Luna.

Now.Quest存储和App Lab应用可以同时使用手部追踪和Quest 3或Quest ProController.

这个名为Multimodal的功能自7月份以来一直在Meta XR SDK中作为“实验”功能可用,这意味着开发人员可以进行尝试,或通过像SideQuest这样的第三方途径进行发布,但不能在官方的Quest存储和App Lab上发布。随着v62版本的发布,现在完全可以公开使用。

Since the introduction of hand tracking almost four years ago, it has been possible to build Quest apps that support hand tracking and controllers, and users can pick up or put down the controller at any time to switch between the two modes. But there is a delay in switching modes, and of course in hand-tracking mode, the controller disappears and stops tracking.

Tracking with the Multimodal controller is continuous, so there is instant switching. But more importantly, it allows hands and controllers to be mixed. For example, one-handed controller games like GOLF+ and Walkabout Minigolf could track your other hand if game developers implemented this feature.

Theoretically, the controllers could also be attached to objects or body parts to be used as a general purpose tracker, should developers need it. This would be better for the Touch Pro controllers than the Touch Plus, as they are often obscured in the headset's field of view.

Multimodal只适用于Quest 3或Touch Pro控制器,它们配备了Quest Pro或可以在Quest 2和3上购买到,并且售价为300美元。它无法与Quest 2控制器一起使用。这是因为Quest 3已经持续运行手部追踪和控制器追踪以填补临时遮挡控制器时的空白,而Quest 2的芯片组可能无法同时高效运行两者。当然,Touch Pro控制器可以自行追踪,因此没有性能要求。

With multi-mode enabled, developers are limited by a number of other features, including internal-external body tracking, hand-tracking fast-motion mode and a new wide-motion mode, as well as a tracking keyboard.


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