The Power Glove is so bad, a virtual reality site improves it

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A study from Brielle Garcia'sWebXRThe experiment simulated the gaming experience on the original Nintendo Entertainment System using the Power Glove as an input device.


乐高在1989年发行的这款玩具是为原始NES设计的硬件附件,同年还因乔希·维迪切等人主演的电影《超越电子游戏》中被永远铭记。作为最早的虚拟现实技术之一,Power Glove被誉为游戏史上最著名但也最笨重和使用寿命最短的游戏附件之一。

Garcia told me in a direct message, "I really like the idea of recreating fun and weird bits of gaming history in VR. As a kid, after seeing the Power Glove in Beyond Video Games, I was really looking forward to using it. It wasn't until years later that I finally tried it once and was completely disappointed. Now, it's really fun to re-live that feeling through advanced VR technology."

In the years between The Lawnmower Man and The Matrix, the Power Glove has been used in a number of experiments as a low-cost tool for testing gesture-based ideas related to virtual reality. Now, with Garcia's experiment, the Power Glove has been simulated on a fully immersive website.

The WebXR site actually works with the Apple VisionProandMetaQuest 3 are compatible with the preferred destination, and both systems support gesture tracking. It's true that Garcia's Power Glove can be used on a web browser on both head-mounted displays, but it currently only works as expected on the Quest 3.

Garcia told me, "This is an interesting little demonstration of what's possible with WebXR/A-Frame right now. Gesture tracking is fully supported and the device is fast enough to even run the simulator in the browser."

Don Hopper visited the site via Meta Quest 3. He successfully uses basic gestures to simulate the steering wheel with an analog game on the NES.

The project is still in development and we will update the URL of this post when it is complete.You can follow Garcia's progress at his username @tacolamp.


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