'Blair Witch VR' 'Erroneously Deactivated' on Quest, but Returns Soon

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Bellevue Devil's Woods VR


The game was deactivated in error and will reappear in the store in a day or two. The game is still available for purchase in other stores and we do not plan to remove any games from the sale.

We enjoyed Bloober Team's horror adaptation in our Bellevue Devil's Woods VR review, praising its "solid" horror elements and finding it an improvement over the print version.

extremely (pleased, grateful etc)VR games的移植而言,《贝尔韦文恶魔森林VR》非常出色,它几乎在各个方面都优于非VR前作。坦率地说,这个场景适合VR,就像一只浸满鲜血的手套,我希望在这之后能看到更多的《贝尔韦文恶魔森林》的VR游戏。恐怖自然地适合身临其境的VR头盔世界,而且没有比标志性的贝尔韦文恶魔森林系列更令人不安的了。

Belle Vuevin Devil's Woods VR is now available atPC VRavailable on it, and the Quest version will return this week.


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