Intel Enables Semiconductor Manufacturing by Improving Factory Efficiency with HoloLens 2

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(XR Navigation Network March 07, 2024) Founded in 1968Intel是半导体行业的全球领先厂商之一。对于这个高度创新的领域,追求先进的Intel开始探索将诸如MicrosoftHoloLens这样的技术来帮助提升工作效率。

Intel Enables Semiconductor Manufacturing by Improving Factory Efficiency with HoloLens 2

At the Irish facility, Intel presented a glimpse of their efforts to empower highly skilled employees through Microsoft HoloLens. This is one of Intel's most advanced semiconductor manufacturing facilities and it is arguably the beating heart of Intel. This manufacturing facility has huge ultra-clean room spaces and hundreds of carefully tuned process tools. Workers here produce Intel's 14-nanometer microprocessor products that are vital to our modern lives.

Intel points out that microprocessors are arguably one of the most complex products mankind has ever produced. But like the practice of life about perfection, the team never stops looking for ways to improve it.

英特尔这家科技巨头使用HoloLens 2和Dynamics 365 Guides来执行关键的维护和维修任务,以确保工厂高效、可靠并不断改进。英特尔的技术人员是公司一切工作的核心,他们负责监督生产14纳米微处理器产品所涉及的复杂设备。

For a component such as a microprocessor, one of the smallest known geometries, the associated work means that the manufacturing process is extremely complex. Every piece of maintenance must be performed with precision to ensure that the plant is efficient, reliable, and constantly improving.

So, highly skilled employees are using Microsoft Mixed Reality solutions to improve the accuracy of their work, which allows field workers to quickly resolve machine-related issues, communicate remotely with experts, perform international troubleshooting, and prepare interactive training materials that support the onboarding and skills enhancement process.

In the first-hand user experience presented, the employee named Connor was able to carry out routine maintenance work on the device with the help of Microsoft HoloLens, and as a result, provided a glimpse of what AR can do in terms of advanced manufacturing.

Connor needed to improve the performance of the particles in the tool by replacing a faulty fan unit when performing routine inspections. The filter fans in question are located on top of the production tool and they are responsible for forcing a steady stream of air through the ducts. Among other things, you must first have to remove the screws and then replace the faulty fan unit, then refasten and ensure that the tool is back in production.

While there is a great deal of automation in the plant, even in this state-of-the-art environment, human labor is still critical, and their expertise is crucial. While frontline employees are responsible for overseeing and performing basic maintenance and repairs, through Microsoft HoloLens and Dynamics 365 Guides, Connor is able to be able to communicate remotely, allowing for internationally collaborative troubleshooting to get the job done efficiently and accurately.

Not just that, Intel is likewise utilizing Microsoft HoloLens for interactive training to quickly help employees master relevant process skills in a similar way as described above.

These are just glimpses of how mixed reality technology is being used in advanced manufacturing. Looking ahead, Intel will continue to explore cutting-edge technologies such as Microsoft HoloLens.

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