Meta says the Quest v62 update will extend Air Link session battery life beyond 50%.

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在2月初开始推出的Quest软件v62更新中,Meta对Quest Link(最初称为Oculus Link),这个内置功能进行了一些改进,该功能使Quest头戴式设备能够充当PC VR头盔,通过USB电缆或家庭Wi-Fi网络进行连接,即Air Link。

With v62, Link gains 120Hz refresh rate support on Quest 3 and officially supports NVIDIA RTX 4000 series graphics cards - although it was available before that. A new 'USB Link Auto-Connect' feature has also been added, allowing Link to automatically reconnect when a crash or disconnection occurs. Finally, Meta has renamed the PC client for Link and Rift from 'Oculus' to 'Meta Quest Link'.

At the time, Meta promised to provide improvements in stability, reliability, and energy efficiency on Link through bug fixes and improvements that were not specified. However, in a new article this weekblog postIn it, Meta details the importance of v62 Link energy efficiency improvements.

Meta claims to have increased the duration of Air Link sessions from the previous 1 hour and 30 minutes to about 2 hours and 20 minutes using only the built-in helmet battery by reducing the Link's power consumption by 30%. This is an improvement over 50%.

This improvement should also alleviate some of the issues with PC USB ports or external battery packs not being able to charge the headset at a rate that matches the rate of power drain, at least when using Link PC VR.

You may be wondering: why can there be such a big improvement in battery life for wireless streaming when the PC is doing the heavy lifting (e.g., rendering games)?The PC is responsible for heavy lifting, such as decoding highly compressed, but still high-bandwidth video streams at relatively high frame rates and reprojecting at each frame to minimize perceived latency.Meta seems to have found a more efficient way to accomplish one or both of these tasks, thereby reducing energy consumption.

This improvement was realized following Valve's release of its own Quest Link replacement - the free Steam Link for Quest app - just over two months ago. This may have inspired Meta to put more effort into its own streaming technology, resulting in this major improvement.

It will be interesting to see how the battery life compares between Quest Link, Steam Link and Virtual Desktop. If you've tested after v62, let us know in the comments or on the contact page below.


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