Meta ports Presence Platform demo project Phanto from Unity to Unreal

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(XR Navigation Network March 15, 2024)Meta日前宣布,已将早前发布的的开源演示项目Unity Phanto移植到了Unreal 5.3,并主要用于展示Presence Platform的功能,例如Scene Mesh,Passthrough和Depth API。大部分的Phanto功能是通过Unreal Blueprints实现,所以无论你是经验人士还是新人用户,Phanto for UnrealAll are great starting points for you to incorporate mixed reality features into your projects.

Meta ports Presence Platform demo project Phanto from Unity to Unreal

For Phantom, the demo case game, ghostly enemies will attempt to fill your room with ectoplasmic goo, and the player must save their room by using weapons such as the Polterblast 3000 and Ecto Blaster to wash away the goo and destroy the enemies.

Phanto for Unreal provides practical instructions on how to implement a range of Presence Platform-based interactions in the Unreal engine. For example:

  • Content placement using the Scene API: the work demonstrates how to place content in the player's environment using a scene mesh. This is accomplished by using a Blueprints to determine appropriate surfaces and corresponding object locations.

  • Immersive Mesh Collision using Scene Mesh: Using a particle system that bounces particles off the surface of the scene mesh, the game's ectoplasmic goo splatters as it bounces off real objects. This effect helps the player to immerse themselves in the mixed reality game.

  • Character Aerial Navigation with Scene Mesh: The Scene Mesh can also be used to navigate the character's light projection. This allows the character to move around the room in a realistic way, responding to the physical layout of the room.

  • Character Ground Navigation using Scene Mesh: the work is also a case study of ground navigation using meshes. This is achieved by dynamically generating a NavMesh using the room's mesh. Once the NavMesh is generated, the game locks it to prevent further changes, thus ensuring consistent navigation throughout the game.

For more information on Phanto for Unreal visitGitHubFor more demo examples, please visitthis page.

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