WebXR in Safari Now Supports Apple Vision Pro's Gaze-Pinch Input System

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WebXR in Safari Now Supports Apple Vision Pro's Gaze-Pinch Input System


WebXR默认情况下未在VisionPro上启用,但您可以在Safari的高级设置中打开它。然而,直到现在,WebXR开发人员只能使用手部追踪并实现直接触摸或手腕驱动的交互,因为Vision Pro不包括跟踪手柄,而WebXR不支持眼球追踪。

Apple is now working with the W3C standards body to add a new temporary pointer input mode for WebXR, enabling web developers to take advantage of the helmet's default interaction system, where you point and pinch to click with your eyes.

As with the shared space of native apps on visionOS, the temporary pointer was designed with a focus on privacy. Developers only receive input when the user pinches, and it is simply a ray associated with the user's line of sight and wrist location. Developers do not get continuous eye tracking data, they still have to request skeletal hand tracking data if they need it.

Apple says it is working with the popular WebXR framework to integrate temporary pointers for easy web developer support.

临时指针模式已包含在WebXR规范的最新草案中,这意味着它应该很快成为标准。未来支持手部和眼睛追踪的头盔可能会在其Web浏览器中添加对它的支持,甚至Meta在现有的Quest Pro上也有可能支持它。


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