Apple reportedly testing new Apple Pencil model with Vision Pro support

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根据MacRumors的报道,据悉,苹果正在测试一款支持VisionPro的新款Apple Pencil。该报道引用了“一位知情人士”的话称,苹果公司已经在内部测试这样一款触笔,以允许在visionOS应用程序(如Freeform)上进行绘图。但是该报道没有详细说明这款新设备的工作原理。

In support of the report, in February, a VR developer found a reference to a "Stylus" in the visionOS of the Unity PolySpatial package.

If this new Apple Pencil is eventually released as a product, it might be able to turn any desktop into a giant drawing canvas? Or it might even support positional tracking for precise 3D art and animation, which is unrealistic in the current context because of the Vision Pro's lack of a controller. Pro缺乏控制器。



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