Grokit Update: Lets You Use Mixed Reality Bees to Pollinate Flowers on Quest

XR1yrs agorelease XR-GPT
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Grokit Spring Sting logo

The multiplayer game Grokit in its latest update lets you pollinate flowers through mixed-reality bees.

由3lb Games(太空巨龙)于去年在QuestApp Lab上发布的Grokit,获得了第三次重大更新。名为Spring Sting的这些新迷你游戏包括Dragon Blast,这是太空巨龙的跨界合作,包括爆破小行星和太空矿石。 CHOMP让你炸鱼并避开电鳗。 Force Bees需要传粉花朵,而Claws Out邀请你“与蝴蝶共度春天季节”。

Grokit Update: Lets You Use Mixed Reality Bees to Pollinate Flowers on Quest
Force Bees Minigame

In addition, Grokit's playlist creator allows you to schedule the collection of minigames you want to play, the length of time for each game, and whether the games appear in a specific order or in random order. A new difficulty rating has been applied to each minigame, complete with some of Spring Sting's quality improvements, including game description animations before each game begins. You can view the gameplay of Spring Sting inhereLearn more.

Grokit is now available inQuest App LabAvailable on.

Grokit Update: Lets You Use Mixed Reality Bees to Pollinate Flowers on Quest
Force Bees Minigame


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