Meta reportedly plans to bring a cheaper version of Quest 3 to the country via Tencent

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Meta据报道计划通过与腾讯的合作将即将推出的Quest 3的更便宜版本带入国内,据《信息》报道。

A cheaper version of Quest 3?

Meta在去年3月泄露给《Verge》的硬件路线图会议中透露,该公司计划在2024年的Quest 3之后推出一款新头戴设备,其价格将是VR消费market中最有吸引力的。根据《华尔街日报》、彭博社和一个过去可靠的国内分析师的报道,这款设备将采用Quest 3的Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2芯片组,但使用Quest 2的老型菲涅耳透镜以达到足够低的价格来替代它。

XR2 Gen 2 has a more powerful GPU that some developers are already using to deliver better graphics.

The upcoming headset is rumored to be called " Quest 3 Lite" or " Quest 3S", though there is no strong evidence of any final name yet. Evidence found in the Quest firmware suggests that it will also support color mixed reality.

Entering the country through Tencent?

To sell a variety of products in the country, foreign companies must partner with domestic firms or set up local subsidiaries. Meta and Tencent plan to sell the Quest headset in the country, according to domestic news outlet 36Kr, which first reported early last year, though the report said the product was planned to be the Quest 2.

The partnership was described as "temporary" in a November report by the Wall Street Journal, which now plans to bring a cheaper version of the upcoming Quest 3 to the country instead. But in January, Sina Finance cited another domestic news outlet, VRTUOLUO, as reporting that the partnership had been suspended because details of how it would be handled had yet to be resolved.

Now, The Information's Wayne Ma reports that Meta and Tencent are still planning to launch a cheaper version of Quest 3 into the domestic market in the fourth quarter of this year.Ma has a proven track record of accurately reporting on Meta and Apple's future moves.

The partnership is reportedly structured so that Tencent sells and supports the Quest headset in the country, while the two companies will work together on localizing and translating content for the Quest Store. meta will get the bulk of the revenue from the device, while Tencent will get the bulk of the content revenue. This is not a novel arrangement for Tencent. Tencent has been selling and supporting the Nintendo Switch in the domestic market since 2019.

如果这种合作关系真的发生,对字节跳动的PICO来说可能是重大竞争,后者计划今年推出更新的PICO 4S。对于即将于今年晚些时候进入国内市场、还将提供由腾讯提供的应用和服务的Apple VisionPro来说,它将提供一种价格更便宜(虽然功能较弱)的选择。


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