No Man's Sky: Interstellar Adds Spaceship Editor and Overhauls Space Station

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No Man's Sky: Interstellar Adds Spaceship Editor and Completely Revamps Space Station</trp-post-container

No Man's Sky: Orbital Update redesigns the space station and introduces full ship customization.

作为免费更新的《无人之境:轨道更新》大幅改变了太空站。除了新的外部设计之外,太空站的内部通过程序生成重新设计并扩展。Hello Games确认,新的声望折扣意味着玩家与外星种族的关系现在会影响交易价格,而“经济扫描仪”可以找到新的限时活动,为富有创业精神的交易商提供“高利润机会”。

In terms of ship customization, the new Starship Builder allows you to design and build original ships using recycled parts. Unwanted ships can be dismantled at the Equipment Station, while "Nature Hunting Ships" acquired through more traditional means will receive a price bonus when traded.

这并不是《无人之境:轨道更新》所提供的全部内容,尽管没有针对PSVR 2或PC VR支持的具体改变。反射面的视觉改进已经完成,舰队的巡逻艇现在可以在“舰队任务”中进行远程指导或直接干预,行会奖励进行了升级,所有太空站的供应商都进行了门面装修。

The Orbital Update follows last month's OMEGA Expedition, which ran concurrently with No Man's Sky's first free weekend. It introduces a new expedition system that integrates it with the main game, allowing travelers to join in with customized items. The update also revisits the "Trail of Atlas" story mission and puts players in control of the enemy Dreadnought.

No Man's Sky: Orbital Update is now available on SteamVR, PSVR 2 and flat platforms.


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