Meta Quest 1 will stop supporting new apps as of April 30th

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现在,这家公司又向Quest 1的开发者发送邮件通知称,将于2024年4月30日停止支持新应用。

Meta Quest 1 will stop supporting new apps as of April 30th

MetaMeta initially released the first-generation Quest in September 2018, and in May 2019 it began shipping. The device is powered by a Snapdragon 835 chip with a monocular 1440×1600, 4GB of RAM, supports a 72 Hz refresh rate, and weighs 517 grams.

2020年,这家公司亮相了Quest 1的迭代Quest 2,并开始停售Quest 1。然后在2023年,Quest 3正式发售。

MetaIt was expected that Meta would stop supporting the Quest 1, after all, the device has struggled to keep up with the latest app developments in terms of performance and functionality. With the Quest 1 no longer supporting new apps as of April 30th, the Quest 1 will not be officially listed as a supported device at that time.

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