Jedi Infiltrator 2 fan-made VR gameplay trailer rocks - XR Navigator News

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(XR Navigator News) Released in 2024, Jedi Infiltrator 2, despite not offering aVR支持,但有热情的粉丝为这款射击游戏自制了一个VR玩法预告片,从而展示在VR中畅玩游戏的酸爽刺激。

Jedi Infiltrator 2 fan-made VR gameplay trailer rocks - XR Navigator News

This unofficial gameplay trailer byYoutuber "DemoAkuroVR", a fan who re-imagined the gameplay of Jedi Infiltrator 2 with a revamped version of Blade & Sorcery.

Blade & Sorcery supports mods that allow you to customize scenes from Star Wars to Grand Theft Auto. So, it's a very interesting test bed for the "what if it really was in virtual reality" dream.

Of course, since Jedi Infiltrator 2 is using theAutodesk Stingray game engine builds, so even with third party mods, this could shake out to take some time.

Also, the Mod may not be able to include the intense physics-based combat footage you see in the DemoAkuroVR trailer, but who knows, maybe the official development team, Arrowhead Game Studios, will take note of the enthusiasm of VR fans and provide official VR support.

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