Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses are hot with over 1 million units sold

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(XR Navigator Information)Meta在2023年12月开始为Ray-Ban Meta智能眼镜测试多模态AI更新,并在今年4月底正式为美国和加拿大用户带来了Meta AI with Vision。其中,系统可以通过解释你所看到的画面和你所询问的问题来帮助你理解周围的世界。

A few days ago, The Verge briefly shared a hands-on experience with said feature in a blog post titled "Meta is quietly winning the AI wearables race."

Meta Ray-Ban Smart Glasses Are Hot, Selling More Than 1 Million Units</trp-post-container

From the integrated audio to the ultra-wide 12-megapixel camera, the Ray-Ban Meta is packed with technology. In both the U.S. and Canada, you can get Meta AI, an intelligent assistant that will help you accomplish tasks, create, and connect with the people and things you care about. Just say "Hey, Meta" to call it up. You can control the glasses with voice commands.

Let's say you're traveling and trying to read a French menu. Your smart glasses can use the built-in camera and Meta AI to translate the text for you, and you get the information you need without having to pull out your phone or stare at a screen.

For the past few weeks, The Verge's Alex Heath has been testing Meta's AI assistant. It responds to the voice command "Hey, Meta" and answers questions or queries about what you're looking at. It's far from perfect. But when it does work, it feels like a glimpse into the future.

In an interview with The Verge in the fall of 2023, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed for the first time that multimodal AI is coming, which he described as a "whole new angle" for smart glasses that could eventually become the killer feature that precedes "ultra-high-quality holograms". " before the killer feature.

考虑到Meta在过去六年中向AR眼镜投入的数十亿美元,以及第一代Meta Ray Bans的反响平平,第二代设备需要取得胜利。早期迹象乐观。第三方估计Meta已经售出了100多万台。在Meta上一次电话财报会议中,扎克伯格提到多个款式已经售罄。现在,随着多模式人工智能的启用,Meta可能已经拥有了marketThe best AI wearables.

In his review, The Verge's Alex Heath found that it was able to correctly determine that the Samsung TV in his home was QLED. however, he would have preferred it to realize that it was a Frame TV, i.e., be aware of more valuable information rather than focusing on the type of panel.

The AI further states that one can buy an AmazonappleTV remote, but didn't provide any information about it or pricing, so that was unhelpful. Later, when Heath asked it to recommend a dining table similar to the dining table, it replied that it simply could not find the product.

Sure, it can correctly tell you how to make a Caprese salad and correctly say that a bottle of La Croix is calorie-free.

Overall, Alex Heath argues that the phone in our pockets is still proving to be the best fit for most use cases, and that despite being a low bar, Meta is taking the lead in this AI wearables race. As The Verge's Victoria Song comments, "It errs on the side of confidence and is very picky about the conditions it works in, but smart glasses are a much more comfortable shape parameter for this technology."

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