SenseGlove Nova 2 adds palm pressure to $5,000 wireless force feedback VR glove

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SenseGlove Nova 2新增了掌压力到价值5000美元的无线力反馈VR手套

The SenseGlove Nova 2 adds palm pressure feedback to force feedback VR gloves.


The original Nova hit the market in late 2021 for $5,000, and the new Nova 2 maintains that price point. $5,000 may sound expensive, but it's actually cheaper than most other force-feedback gloves.

与原版一样,Nova 2可为您的拇指、食指、中指和无名指提供达20牛顿的阻力,相当于每根手指上放置一个2公斤的砖头。拇指和食指还配备了振动触觉执行器,用于传统的触觉反馈,使Nova可以模拟虚拟表面的质感。

But where the original only applied feedback and resistance to the fingers, the Nova 2 goes a step further by applying pressure across the entire palm.SenseGlove claims this allows for a more realistic simulation of drills, saws, grinders, hammers, pliers, and rehab tools, and even lets the user feel a handshake in collaborative VR apps.

The Nova Glove does not have built-in location tracking, but includesHTC Vive tracker orQuestMounting brackets for touch controls. They can be paired with a standalone head-mounted display or PC via Bluetooth. Developers of customized enterprise applications can integrate SenseGlove's Unity, Unreal, or native SDKs to support force feedback and haptic capabilities.

The original Nova has been used by Volkswagen to train manufacturing assembly workers, by MedVR for medical training, and by Extend Robotics to remotely control robots. It is also being trialed by the Royal Netherlands Army to train equipment assembly engineers. While force feedback gloves are important for consumermarketStill a distant dream, but companies like SenseGlove, Contact CI and HatpX have created a real market for them in the enterprise space.


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