Space Pirate Trainer DXQuest 3 Upgrade Boosts Frame Rate and Texture Quality

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Space Pirate Trainer DX <a class="external" href="" title="View articles related to Quest" target="_blank" data-no-translation-title="">Quest</a> 3升级改善了帧率和纹理

Space Pirate Trainer DX Quest 3升级改善了帧率和纹理

Space Pirate Trainer DX has received the Quest 3 upgrade with improved performance and higher texture resolution.

由I-Illusions(BAM)开发,Space Pirate Trainer DX距离这款街机波浪射击游戏在Quest上发布近五年后,迎来了一个新的更新。在分享Quest 3 Gameplay ScreenshotsAfter, Dirk Van Welden, founder of I-Illusions confirm, this update adds more detailed environments and objects, higher texture resolution, higher frame rates, and more. Smaller changes have also been made to theQuest 2on taking effect, although Van Welden did not confirm what that included.

Space Pirate Trainer was originally released in 2017 and has since undergone a series of post-release updates. The most notable of these was the 2021 DX update, which featured new multiplayer and arena modes specifically designed for standalone VR headsets in 2021. These modes are still not available in the original PC VR and PlayStation VR versions.

Space Pirate Trainer DX is available on theMeta Questplatform is available, while the original version is available on thePICO,PSVR,SteamandRiftAvailable on.


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