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Steam VR’s Top 10 New Content Every Week

本周Steam VR的新内容

Khronos Announces OpenXR 1.1 Standard Specification

查看引用/信息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网资讯)日前,Khronos正式发布了OpenXR 1.1规范。这个版本将广泛使用的API扩展整合到核心规范中,从而减少了碎片...

Steam VR Weekly New Content

查看引用和消息源请点击:XR导航网 (XR导航网 2024年03月17日)信念,是实现梦想的基石;奋斗,是铸就辉煌的必由之路。——人民日报 1.《Stilt》 HMD:大朋V...

Khronos Releases Latest OpenXR Tutorials

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator 04/03/2024) Khronos has released a free OpenXR tutorial with the goal of guiding software developers using Windows, Linux or Android...

Khronos Announces OpenXR Standards Working Group Results to Date and Future Plans

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator February 21, 2024) Khronos originally released the new open source standard OpenXR in 2017, and the OpenXR Working Group that was formed is dedicated to simplifying alternative reality...

Taqtile Announces Support for Microsoft-Sourced MRTK3 AR/VR Development Framework

A few days ago, Taqtile announced support for the Microsoft-derived MRTK3 AR/VR development framework, enabling faster and more efficient porting of the Manifest platform to a growing number of OpenXR devices, including new headsets scheduled for launch in 2024. The source...

Steam VR Weekly Top 10 New Content

1. "VAIL VR" HMD: Supports all major headsets Price: RMB 108 Release Platform: Steam Synopsis: On the crumbling planet Earth, claims to humanity's legacy are dividing. Many have chosen to move to the colonies that surround the planet...

Wearable Devices partners with Qualcomm to bring neural wristband-based gesture input to Snapdragon Spaces

Wearable Devices' flagship product is the Mudra Band for Apple Watch. By integrating artificial intelligence-based technologies and algorithms and utilizing proprietary sensors, the system is able to recognize subtle movements of the fingers, wrists...

StatusPRO, Fresh From Google Investment, Describes How It Developed VR Football Game 'NFL Pro Era'

In the blog post below, the team describes how they developed NFL Pro Era. When co-founders Troy Jones and Andrew Hawkins set out to develop this VR football...