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Raindance Immersive 下个月带来在线VRChat节日
Raindance Immersive将于6月回归,开启一个为期一个月的在线VRChat节日。作为第32届Raindance电影节的一部分,第9届Raindance Immersive...
高通正在测试内存接近Vision Pro的全新骁龙XR2+ Gen 3芯片组
林奇补充道,预计XR2+ Gen 3会在2025年与我们见面 延伸阅读:高通推出XR2+ Gen 2,性能大增,支持单眼4.3K分辨率
EA Sports World Rally Championship live experience: enjoy exciting races, but VR beta still needs further optimization
EA Sports WRC最近为PC VR添加了beta支持,但这款拉力赛游戏表现如何?请阅读我们的全面印象。 虽然Codemasters继续发布年度的F1游戏和...
STAR EXPLORATION: "Explore the Solar System from the comfort of your home" - Explore 3 Mixed Reality
Quest 3在混合现实领域有了很大的突破,最近我们有机会体验了它最新的混合现实作品之一:来自Atlas V和Albyon的Astra。Astra无缝地融合...
LG-Meta headset reportedly delayed until 2027 due to disagreements between the companies.
Apple Looks to Asian Markets to Fuel Vision Pro's Success - Bloomberg
“苹果寄望于亚洲市场帮助Apple Vision Pro取得成功” 延伸阅读:国行上市在即,苹果Vision Pro已通过中国3C认证
Spring 2024 Virtual Reality Gaming News Review : Flat2VR, Laser Dance, Batman & Alien
VR游戏新闻回顾2024年春季:Flat2VR,激光之舞,蝙蝠侠和异形 VR史上最大的一年即将过半,刚刚宣布的蝙蝠侠和异形游戏...
Everything we've heard about the upcoming cheaper version of Quest 3
有强烈证据表明Meta正准备推出一个价格更便宜的Quest 3替代品,直接取代Quest 2。以下是我们几乎可以确定正在发生的原因,以及有关即将...
Google co-founder: reconsider launching Google Glass, now is the right time
With advances in artificial intelligence, Brin thinks now might be a good time to return
Apple Vision Pro to get system-wide real-time captioning for people and apps
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