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This 18K Gold Apple Vision Pro Sells for Nearly $40K
根据制造商的说法,这一奢华头显只有24个可用。 苹果在2023年的WWDC上终于揭开了Vision Pro的面纱,这款高端混合现实头盔可能为增强现...
Apple cuts Vision Pro production plans due to manufacturing complexities
Apple is said to have slashed Vision Pro production targets due to manufacturing issues related to the complex design of its mixed reality headset, the Financial Times reported.
Niantic layoffs 230 people, NBA and Marvel game cancel
The Elf treasure can dream GO of developer Niantic will close its Los Angeles Studio, and downsizing 230 people, and cancel the NBA and Marvel AR game.
Oculus founder details the Apple in the Vision Pro on the success and failures
Apple Vision Pro即将在混合现实领域树立很多关于什么是“正确”和“错误”的期望,苹果公司更喜欢将其称为空间计算。成立虚拟现实革命的主...
AR startup Brilliant Labs lands $3M in seed funding from Oculus and Siri founders
Brilliant Labs,一家专注于将人工智能整合到日常生活中的增强现实初创公司,宣布已获得300万美元种子资金,用于扩大团队规模并投资于其...
Rec Room child accounts coming back to Quest devices, Meta lowers age threshold
Google reportedly puts multiyear 'Project Iris' augmented reality glasses on hold
据报道,Google已经搁置了一项持续多年的项目,该项目旨在商业化AR头戴设备,即Project Iris。 据《商业内幕》(Business Insider)报...
BANC3 Awarded SBIR Contract to Develop Augmented Reality Optics for the US Army
2023年6月28日 - BANC3公司是一家支持美国国防部的技术产品开发公司,最近宣布已获得美军合同指挥部的多年第三阶段合同,用于开发与高爆...
Grand Theft Auto creator Rockstar Games may be working on an unannounced VR game
《侠盗猎车手》的开发者Rockstar Games可能正在制作一款未公布的VR游戏。 这一消息首次在ResetEra 论坛上被分享,这里链接了演员Michae...
Apple Vision Pro development tools are now available
最近,苹果推出了visionOS SDK,这是一套新的工具和技术,将帮助开发人员为 Apple Vision Pro 创建引人注目的应用体验,苹果首席执行官...
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