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Apple Releases Designs for Vision Pro and Peripheral Accessories, Boosts Third-Party Accessory Market - XRNavigator.com reports
Apple has updated its Apple device accessory guide to include detailed schematics for the Apple Vision Pro and its accessories
Apple's ads emphasize the basic functions of virtual and augmented reality in life
Domestic 3C certification has been passed, Apple Vision Pro will soon be available in the domestic market - XRNavigator.com reported
Apple's headset products have passed China's 3C certificationExtended reading:Cook: Apple Vision Pro will arrive in China this year
Using the Apple Vision Pro immersive experience gives you an additional virtual Mac display, albeit at the expense of the
Immersed为Apple Vision Pro提供虚拟额外的Mac、Windows或Linux显示器。Vision Pro内置的Mac虚拟显示功能具有非常高的质量和低延迟,这...
Apple is reportedly about to start selling the Vision Pro outside of the United States.
据彭博社的马克·古尔曼报道,苹果即将开始在美国以外地区销售Vision Pro。目前,苹果Vision Pro只在美国销售。在推出时,苹果表示将在20...
Quest 2 and Quest 3 acquire experimental travel modes to make location tracking on aircraft work properly
Quest 2和Quest 3现在可以在飞机上使用“实验性”旅行模式。您可以通过设置中“实验性”部分的切换,在您的头戴式设备的快速设置中添加旅行...
漫威正在为苹果Vision Pro推出一款长达一个小时的“如果”混合现实体验。
多元宇宙是Marvel和ILM Immersive探索苹果Vision Pro上的“假设…”的叙事背景。即将推出的《假设...?——一部沉浸式故事》被描述为“Disney+...
Meta CTO says there's still a ways to go to achieve retina-resolution VR, and it's hard to distinguish even 100 pixels per degree - XR Navigator News
真正具有视网膜分辨率显示器的消费者头显依然非常遥远 对于VR显示器,我们测量分辨率的方式是每度像素。像素的总数并不完全重要,因为...
使用触控 Plus 或 Pro 手柄在探险中学习艺术课程,抓起你的铅笔
铅笔! 你已经准备好头戴显示器了,现在别忘了带上铅笔来参加艺术课程。Pencil!是一款正在早期开发中的新应用程序,为...
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