April Steam data: pico 4 tops share growth - XRNavigator.com reports

PICO 4成涨幅最大的头显产品 延伸阅读:标题

研究员借助PICO框架优化VR驾驶体验,改善速度感知以缓解晕动症问题- XR导航网报道

利用平移增益和衰减控制乘客对速度的感知 相关论文:From Slow-Mo to Ludicrous Speed: Comfortably Manipulating the Perception of Linear In-Car VR Moti...

PICO system update 5.9.0, will support PC/Mac desktop interconnection for the first time, gesture function optimization

The new PICO OS 5.9.0 has been officially pushed to users. As you can see from the changelog, the main updates of PICO OS 5.9.0 include "Streaming Assistant" upgraded to "PICO Connect" (Beta), gesture and video player effect optimization,...

PICO Releases OS 5.9 System Update, Adds Windows and Mac Desktop Streaming

View quote/source: xrnavigation.com (XRNavigation.com 07 March 2024) PICO has released OS 5.9.0, which brings new desktop connectivity features, optimized casting experience, and enhanced gesture recognition accuracy...

Khronos Releases Latest OpenXR Tutorials

View quote/source here:XR Navigator (XR Navigator 04/03/2024) Khronos has released a free OpenXR tutorial with the goal of guiding software developers using Windows, Linux or Android...

One of the most successful VR studios is working on two new immersive games

View quote/source here: roadtovr (XR Navigator 02/03/2024) Cloudhead Games is arguably one of the most experienced and successful studios in VR. But since 2019's Pistol Whip to...

The hit title Arizona Sunshine 2 is now available on the PICO Store during the spring season

Arizona Sunshine II continues to center around the adventures of one man and one dog and utilizes the technology of the latest headsets such as Sony's PSVR 2, Meta Quest 3, PICO 4 and more to create an acidic and exciting journey of apocalyptic survival. Players will be able to experience...

Steam VR Weekly Top 10 New Content

1. "VAIL VR" HMD: Supports all major headsets Price: RMB 108 Release Platform: Steam Synopsis: On the crumbling planet Earth, claims to humanity's legacy are dividing. Many have chosen to move to the colonies that surround the planet...