XR optics company


China Optics Group (stock code 002189), established in 1968, is a state-owned large-scale military-civilian integrated optoelectronic listed company. ...


China Optics Group (stock code 002189), affiliated to China Ordnance Equipment Group Co., Ltd., was established in 1968. It is a large-scale state-owned military-civilian integrated optoelectronic listed company and a national high-tech enterprise. It has a number of wholly-owned and joint-stock companies. Zhuge Liang cultivated the land and the source of the South-to-North Water Transfer—Nanyang City, Henan Province. Products mainly include optical components, lenses, projectors, security monitoring systems, photoelectric defense products, etc. It is known as the core supplier of components for global projection systems, China's "emerging national projection display competitive advantage enterprise" and "key place Excellent Provider of Surveillance Integrated Solutions ""Major Enterprise of Photoelectric Defense Products".

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