XR content solution provider

Silk Road Vision

With digital creativity as the core, Silk Road Vision creates an overall solution for visual technology and applications. Provide full-process services from design, marketing to final overall presentation. At present, the company has more than 2,000 employees, cooperative customers in 20 countries/regions around the world, and a total of more than 40 projects...


Silk Road Vision Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2002 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Based on the application of digital visual technologies such as CG, VR, and AR, Silk Road Vision provides digital creative services centered on creativity and oriented by market demand, including three main business segments: design visualization, digital marketing, and exhibitions. On November 4, 2016, Silk Road Vision landed on the GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, becoming the first listed company in the field of CG digital creativity. With the help of capital, Silk Road Vision has further deployed the research and development of cutting-edge visual technology applications, covering new digital foundations such as visual cloud computing (Ray Cloud Technology), digital twin applications (Tia Digital Technology), and VR/AR/MR (Silk Road Vision Technology) The construction of digital vision technology application research will enable a new round of digital upgrading of the industry. Relying on forward-looking digital creativity and solid technical accumulation, through continuous technological innovation and field expansion, Silk Road Vision continues to move forward, and takes "culture + technology" as its development strategy to become a Chinese force that affects the world in the field of digital vision.

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aboutSilk Road Visionspecial statement

Provided by XR Industry People Navigation Network on this siteSilk Road VisionAll originate from the Internet, and do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links. At the same time, the pointing of the external links is not actually controlled by the XR Industrial Navigation Network. When it was included at 9:51pm on May 29, 2023, the The content of the website is all compliant and legal. If the content of the later webpage violates the regulations, you can directly contact the website administrator to delete it. XR Industrial People Navigation Network does not assume any responsibility.

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