Shangdi 3D

2yrs agoupdate 15,190 063

[Shangdi 3D] is a professional 3D digital content service provider, providing services including: 3D visualization system development, 3D online display, virtual exhibition hall, VR exhibition hall, 3D Internet of Things, digital twin system, online exhibition, online exhibition hall, 3D Display links, visual modeling, wisdom...

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Shangdi 3DShangdi 3D
Shangdi 3D

Guangzhou Shangdi Technology Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Shangdi 3D), is a new type of 3D technology service enterprise, dedicated to providing customers with a complete set of new marketing solutions for Web 3D interaction. Shangdi 3D is located in Huangpu, Guangzhou. It has a strong professional technical team. Its main business covers: metaverse exhibition hall independent exhibition platform, VR online exhibition hall, H5 3D display, 3D modeling, 3D digital solutions such as 3D IoT visualization system development At the same time, Shangdi 3D also cultivates cutting-edge technical talents for the society, and cooperates with major universities across the country to jointly cultivate innovative technical talents.

After years of Web3D technology research and development, in 2019, Shangdi 3D has continuously become the 3D content core service provider of Ali and, two major e-commerce giants, and technically helps platform merchants realize VR/AR shopping functions. Shangdi 3D focuses on Web3D interactive marketing, providing customers with three-dimensional interactive marketing solutions, such as self-developed online exhibition hall independent exhibition platform, 3D product display, virtual VR exhibition hall, 3D Internet of Things visualization system, etc., so that enterprise products can be viewed from a new perspective Show to customers, pass more product information to customers, and customers have a deeper perception of products through Web 3D interaction, thereby enhancing brand image and promoting transactions.

Shangdi 3D is composed of a professional modeling team, a superb web3D development team, and an operation and marketing team. It strictly controls every link from understanding customer needs, model making, art design, system development, and data visualization, and strives to make the project perfect. delivered to the customer. The members of Shangdi 3D come from domestic colleges and universities. They are the 80s and 90s generation who have a deep understanding of the Internet. At the same time, they are also the pioneers of Web 3D interactive technology, and can formulate the most suitable Web 3D interactive marketing plan for customers.

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