Ha depending odd technology

2yrs agoupdate 18,846 080

Beijing Hash Technology Co., Ltd. (Hash Technology) is the top domestic AR/VR content R&D and solution provider. The core members come from first-tier domestic and foreign game companies such as EA, Gameloft, Epic Games, NetEase, Sohu Changyou, etc., and participate in research and development...

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Ha depending odd technologyHa depending odd technology
Ha depending odd technology

HarSight has developed a number of AR/VR game products, which have been launched on mainstream offline and online platforms at home and abroad, including HTC Viveport, Steam, Oculus, GearVR, APPStore, etc., and have received widespread praise from users. Among them, "Lop Nur Zombies" has ranked first on the paid list on Viveport, and "Fantasy Skiing" has ranked first on the paid list on Viveport. It has been recommended on the homepage and ranked first on the best-selling list on Steam. Participating in various competitions in the industry, HaSight has also won many awards and gained numerous reputations.

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