Pita Studio

1yrs agoupdate 24,218 080

From 2016 the founding to the present, Pinta Studios has completed the multi-award-winning VR/AR film and television works, and continue to adhere to a worldwide audience the creation of the best stories.

Pita StudioPita Studio
Pita Studio

Pinta Studios (Pinta Studios) was established in the spring of 2016. Several friends with different qualifications and backgrounds gathered together, hoping to use the inspiration of the story that touched them in their hearts to create a film and television work that touched everyone. The name of the studio comes from the La Pinta, a fast ship of Columbus's discovery of the New World fleet. According to legend, the observers of the Pinta first discovered the American continent in the middle of the night. We hope to carry this meaning, take risks, and explore the ocean of content creation.

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