Zhongshan United Optoelectronics was established in August 2005. The company has mastered the design and development of optical lenses and optoelectronic products, ultra-precision mold technology and intelligent manufacturing technology, and has reserved the core technologies of AR/VR related hardware products, such as optical waveguide, Fresnel Lens, pancake technology, etc., and has achieved a number of pioneering leading technologies such as black light full-color technology, fast focusing technology, and has the ability to integrate components and complete machine assembly, and will gradually realize the transformation from OEM to ODM.
In 2022, the revenue of foundry products such as United Optoelectronics ARNR will increase by 432% year-on-year, and the sales volume will exceed 130,000 units. The company issues stocks to specific objects to raise investment projects" new display and intelligence
The smart manufacturing project of wearable products is under construction as planned. After the project is completed, production capacity will be gradually released, the ARR business layout will be deepened, and the company's new display products will be enriched.
line to improve the mass production capacity of products.
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