Shunwei Technology

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Zhejiang Sunway Technology Co., Ltd. is a holding company under Sunny Group (2382.HK), established in 2021. Based on Sunny Group's deep accumulation in the fields of optics and optoelectronics, focusing on the fields of virtual reality and augmented reality (ARNVR/MR), it is committed to becoming a global...

Shunwei TechnologyShunwei Technology
Shunwei Technology

In the field of VR/AR, Sunny Optical has entered a window period for product upgrades and integrated applications. The VR Pancake module has been mass-produced by leading customers, and has been further improved in terms of distortion and chromatic aberration processing; the sales of VR visual modules in several top clients in the world have achieved great growth; the VR spatial positioning module has achieved the most productive layout at home and abroad ; AR optical waveguide film also maintains close relationship with head customers; completed the development of glass-plastic hybrid wide-angle perspective (See Through) lens, gesture recognition and eye tracking are under development. In 2022, Shunwei and JBD jointly developed a reference design for binocular full-color AR glasses based on Micro LED technology.

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