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Thundercomm is the world's leading provider of IoT products and solutions. Founded in 2016 as a joint venture between ThunderSoft and Qualcomm®. Good at combining disruptive technologies such as AI, 5G, IoT, cloud computing, etc., to serve OEMs, enterprises, developers in the IoT field...


As of January 2023, Chuangtong Lianda has completed the delivery of more than 40 Qualcomm Pinghe-based VR headsets/AR glasses. Chuangtong Lianda's XR business basically includes four parts: custom development of a complete set of software and hardware, standard modules based on XR chips, complete machine solutions and end-to-end solutions. From the end of 2021, Chuangtong Lianda began to work on XR hardware standardization modules and complete machine design projects, and it will be officially open to enterprises in 2022.

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本站XR产业人导航网提供的Thundercomm都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由XR产业人导航网实际控制,在2023年 5月 31日 pm12:57收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,XR产业人导航网不承担任何责任。

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Collar puzzle made

Collar puzzle made

Collar puzzle made-Guangdong-neck puzzle Manufacturing Co., Ltd.-Guangdong-neck puzzle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., is by Guangdong River powder Magnetic Material Co., Ltd, referred to as the“river powder magnetic material”with collar Yi Technology(Shenzhen)Co., Ltd. referred to as the“collar Yi Technology”in the 2018 successfully recapitalized later renamed registered, major business segments include magnetic materials, precision parts and modules, precision structural parts, LCD modules, capacitive touch screen, wire and cable, motors, etc.

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